Warm and Comfy: Will This Year’s Fall be Different?

Americans have a soft spot for fall. According to a survey by YouGov, 29% of Americans prefer the climate during the fall. Meanwhile, 25% prefer summer and its warmth, and 7% prefer the winter chill. People anticipate and love the festivities brought about by the season. The cozy sweaters, scarves, pumpkin spice latte, and new school supplies for starting another term at school.

Kathryn Lively, a sociology professor from Dartmouth explained the American adoration for the season. Professor Lively stated that our love for the fall came as a result of conditioning from a young age. We learned to anticipate and love fall and all the occurrences associated with it. During our childhood, we experienced the excitement of going back to school and seeing our friends. As grown-ups, Professor Lively said that we still respond to the feelings we get from anticipating–and experiencing fall.

This year is quite unusual, to say the least. We have a pandemic that spreads with no difficulty and there are a lot of safety measures in place. But that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy our beloved season the way we used to. Discover some effective ways to enjoy your favorite time of the year.

Get Your Fall Gear Ready

One of the best parts of fall is being able to wear clothes you won’t be able to wear during summer because you’ll be swimming in a pool of your own sweat. For people who live in places with colder than average temperatures during the fall: thick jackets and trench coats are a norm.

Sweaters are also ideal because of how fashionable and easy to wear they are. For the ones in places with relatively warm fall seasons, light coats and sweaters are ideal. But in the end, what to wear during the fall, or during any season, is based on your preference. We won’t judge you for wearing whatever is comfortable for you.

coffee mug on brown leaves from fall

Walking Around

As fall is already here, the simplest thing you can do to experience what the season has in store is to go out and walk around. What better way to feel the much-anticipated fall temperatures and notice how leaves are starting to change in color? Top that with seeing pumpkins inside people’s lawn. Your house might have it, too. Just don’t forget to wear your mask and maintain social distance from other walkers.

The season is also perfect for runners because of the cool and dry temperatures that come with it. So if you’re looking to get into engaging in more physical activities, running during autumn is your best bet. It won’t require much gear as it does during the summer and winter.

Go Camping

While it isn’t practically advisable to go out of the house and participate in outdoor activities, camping can be done almost anywhere. You can set up a tent inside your yard, light up your custom-designed outdoor fire pit, and if you want to, turn the camping experience into a glamorous one. It doesn’t always have to be an activity riddled with several inconveniences. The point of it should be to have fun, relax, and get away from the bustling day-to-day activities we have during our normal non-camping days.

Visit Farmers’ Markets

Along with the festivities and feelings, autumn also brings excellent in-season produce such as squash, sweet potatoes, apples, and pears. While it is not advisable to go out and be in crowded places with a number of strangers, farmers’ markets are implementing limited entry with the mandatory wearing of face masks and social distancing inside their facilities. Aside from helping your local farmers, you also help yourself by consuming nutritious produce.

We know you can think of more activities you can do during the fall, but the ones we provided are what we think will be best suited for our current status with the coronavirus. We care about you and don’t want you to get sick just to experience something we’ll get every year without a miss.

Fall is here and given how creative we get when stuck at home, we’re positive we’ll come up with activities that won’t require us to go outside the comfort of our homes. Because here, we all know one thing: The best way to stay warm and fuzzy is to spend this amazing season with the people we love. It could be as simple as watching leaves turn from your porch with a cup of warm pumpkin spice latte to ward off the cold. This year’s fall may be slightly different, but the joy it gives us remains the same

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