Maintaining Your Senior Parent’s Home: A Guide

man hugging his mom
  • Assess the home and identify potential hazards.
  • Hire professionals to handle tasks like plumbing, electrical, or HVAC repairs.
  • Perform regular maintenance tasks like cleaning gutters and checking for burnt-out bulbs.
  • Make the home safe by removing items that pose a tripping hazard and installing grab bars in the restroom.
  • Create an emergency preparedness plan and equip the home with smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers.

As your parents age, you must ensure they have a comfortable, safe, and well-maintained home. This can be a challenging task, especially when we have our own families and hectic schedules.

However, maintaining your senior parent’s home can become manageable with proper planning and the right resources. This blog has compiled a comprehensive guide on how to keep your aging parent’s home, ensuring their safety and comfort.

Assess the Home

Before starting any maintenance task, assessing the house’s condition and identifying any potential hazards is essential. Check for damaged flooring, appliances that need repair, and electrical or plumbing issues. Check for burnt-out bulbs and debris in the gutters, and ensure sufficient lighting. You can plan and prioritize the necessary repairs by identifying potential hazards more effectively.

Hire Professionals

nurse caring for a senior at home

Handling home maintenance tasks can be overwhelming, especially when you have little to no knowledge. Consider hiring professionals to handle plumbing, electrical, or HVAC repairs.

Additionally, consider hiring trained caregivers to help with daily living activities like cleaning, cooking, and laundry. This gives your senior parent the care they need while ensuring your peace of mind.

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance tasks go a long way in ensuring the house stays in good shape. Ensuring the gutters and downspouts are regularly cleaned reduces the water damage risk. Regularly changing air filters ensures the air quality remains good, while regular appliance and plumbing checks prevent the need for costly repairs.

One area that is often overlooked is the garage roller door. Neglecting the maintenance of this vital entryway can lead to costly repairs and even safety hazards. That’s why hiring maintenance services for electronic garage roller doors is essential. By investing in professional expertise, you can ensure that your garage door operates smoothly and efficiently. Regular maintenance allows you to avoid unexpected breakdowns and keep your garage door functioning safely and reliably for years.

Make the Home Safe

Falls are a significant risk for seniors; therefore, making the house safe by removing items that pose a tripping hazard, like loose rugs or furniture in the way is essential. Install grab bars in the restroom and shower to support when standing or moving about. Ensure the home is well-lit and that smoke and carbon monoxide detectors function correctly.

Plan for Emergencies

As people age, they are less likely to be able to take care of themselves, and they may need more help than they used to. This is especially true for senior citizens who live at home. But what happens when an emergency strikes? Are you and your aging parents prepared? It’s essential to have a plan in place to ensure your loved ones’ safety during an emergency.

Create an Emergency Preparedness Plan

The first step to emergency planning is to create an emergency preparedness plan. This plan should include contact information for family members and emergency services, a list of medications and dosages, and any necessary medical information. You should also have a list of emergency supplies, including non-perishable food, water, first aid kits, flashlights, and batteries.

Ensure the Home is Safe

man installing smoke detector

The second step in planning for emergencies is to ensure that your senior parents’ home is safe. This means checking for potential hazards, such as loose floorboards, frayed wires, and unsafe appliances. You should also ensure the home is equipped with smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers.

Consider Medical Monitoring Devices

If your senior parents have significant medical issues, consider investing in medical monitoring devices, such as medical alert systems, fall detection systems, and blood pressure monitors. These devices can alert emergency services in case of a medical emergency and provide you and your senior parents with peace of mind.

Communicate Regularly

Finally, it’s essential to communicate with your senior parents regularly. This means checking in on them frequently and asking how they’re doing. It would be best if you also had a plan for regular check-ins in case of an emergency. Ensure each family member understands what they need to do in an emergency so everyone’s on the same page.

Final Thoughts

Maintaining your senior parent’s home requires planning, resources, and effort, but ensuring their safety and comfort is necessary. Following the tips outlined above can make the task more manageable and ensure your parent’s home remains safe, functional, and comfortable. Remember that regular maintenance, hiring professionals to handle complex tasks, and planning for emergencies go a long way in keeping your senior parent’s home in good condition.

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