Parenting 101: Bored at Home? Try These Fun Science Experiments with Your Kids


Whether the family is stuck at home during a pandemic or simply has nothing to do on a slow Sunday, expect the kids to get bored out of their skulls. Make the day productive by staging some fun science experiments that will pique their interest and bring out the little Einstein in them. Get your tools ready (which can readily be found at your home) and prepare for one hella exciting scientific quest with your children.

Introduction to Electrical Conductivity

How It Works:

  • Electricity can be a curious subject for the little ones. Introduce the concept to them by trying out this cool experiment.

What You’ll Need:

  • Conductivity meter
  • Different types of solids (salt, sugar, baking soda, laundry detergent, etc.)
  • Different types of water-soluble liquids (carbonated drinks, vinegar, etc.)
  • Glass bowl
  • Water


  • Prepare the conductivity meter.
  • Pour water into the bowl.
  • Test the water’s conductivity.
  • Test the conductivity of other liquids and solids by adding one type at a time.
  • Do retests to observe differences and similarities.

Got no conductivity meter at home? Get help from your friendly neighborhood electrical repair specialist in Salt Lake City or create one using your tools at home.

Learning to Walk on Eggs

How It Works:

  • Many kids think that eggs are easily breakable, but eggshells can actually withstand weight when the pressure is applied evenly. This experiment will teach kids how to create an egg walkway and walk on it without breaking any eggs.

What You’ll Need:

  • Dozens of eggs on cartons
  • Garbage bag
  • Thin tile
  • Bucket of water and bar of soap (for cleaning up)


  • Spread the garbage bag on the floor and then put the carton of eggs on it.
  • Make sure all eggs are in good condition and pointing to the same side.
  • Put the tile above the walkway for extra measure. You can also ask two assistants to help steady the walker.
  • Walk over the eggs and try not to break any!

Growing Crystals

How It Works:

  • Crystals look good, but what many kids don’t know is that they can actually make one at home. This experiment will teach the young ones to create crystals using only salt and water.

What You’ll Need:

  • Container
  • Salt
  • Water (preferably distilled water)
  • Wire (looped end)


  • Prepare a super-saturated salt solution. Keep it warm.
  • Pour it in a container to get rid of dirt.
  • Lower the wire into the solution.
  • Leave the container in a dry, warm place for a few days.
  • Watch as beautiful crystals form around the wire and on the container walls.

Discovering the Power of Magnet


How It Works:

  • This experiment will teach kids how a magnet can attract metallic things.

What You’ll Need:

  • Large magnet
  • Pipe cleaner bits
  • Empty two-liter soda bottle


  • Cut the pipe cleaner bits into half inches each.
  • Fill the soda with up to 4 inches of pipe cleaner bits.
  • Run the magnet along the side of the soda bottle.
  • May the magnetic force be with you.

Sundays will never be boring again. Try these at-home science experiments to encourage your kids to take some time away from the screen and get their scientific juices flowing.

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