Home Improvement

Burglar entering to house trough glass doors

Home Break-Ins Surge: Police Urges People to Be Extra Vigilant

Police are warning residents to lock their homes and be extra vigilant as residential break-ins spike by 30 percent in Salt Lake City. Similar statistics are also being recorded in other areas of the state. Police are urging residents to take measures to protect themselves and their properties Improve Home Security Gone are the days when you

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5 Bathroom Additions to Help You Relax

Bathrooms should be the second coziest room inside the house, next to the bedroom. You will be spending a lot of time inside the shower and the toilet, which means that you should feel relaxed and comfortable every time you enter. However, the bathroom can be difficult to maintain, which could affect your mood while

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The Factors That Affect the Durability and Strength of Concrete

The construction of houses and tall buildings takes time and lots of planning before they become a reality. The materials need to be readily available to build structures faster because construction projects follow strict schedules. A good example is concrete, which is an easily sourced material and a staple in the construction because of its adaptability and

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burning wood in the fireplace

How to Maintain Your Wood-burning Fireplace

Furnaces and fireplaces are not exactly cheap. Most of these can cost you a couple of bucks, especially the high-quality ones. They give your home a beautiful accent and keep the whole family warm during those cold winter nights in Utah. But a wood-burning fireplace should be properly maintained so that you can make the

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furnace repair

4 Home Maintenance Tasks That Require You to Seek Professional Help

Homeowners would like to do maintenance tasks by themselves to save money on paying professionals, but a few house repairs might require the services of an experienced and certified worker. If you try to perform maintenance tasks on something you do not fully understand, there is a high chance that you might make the problem

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How You Can Add More Value to Your Home

Moving away and relocating can be a timely and expensive process for any family. Searching for a new home, adjusting to work, and selling your property are things you have to do. Whether you’re relocating or selling your home, it’s essential to improve your home value while looking out for what can decrease it. Improving home value

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couple preparing food in the kitchen

People Spend Nearly 40 Minutes of Their Daily Lives in Kitchens

On average, Americans above 18 years old spend about 37 minutes of their daily lives in the kitchen. That’s nearly 800,000 minutes throughout your life! It is no longer surprising why kitchens have a high resale value in the market. You will spend a lot of time here. You might as well make sure it’s always a

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black and white Awning over glass window on pink wall

Is Your Home Ready for the Future?

It’s always in the best of people’s interests to keep up with the times. We know that the world is undergoing climate and environmental change that requires people to adapt, and that could mean more than using renewable materials. Sometimes it means moving to a better place. But if you want to stay in your

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cleaning carpet with vacuum cleaner

An Overview of Vacuum Cleaners

All homeowners should have vacuum cleaners. But sometimes, you cannot have the best of both worlds. On the one hand, vacuums can help you save time cleaning your dusty floors. One type of vacuum runs automatically and enables you to do your own thing in the kitchen. On the other hand, some vacuums can be

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