The Factors That Affect the Durability and Strength of Concrete

The construction of houses and tall buildings takes time and lots of planning before they become a reality. The materials need to be readily available to build structures faster because construction projects follow strict schedules. A good example is concrete, which is an easily sourced material and a staple in the construction because of its adaptability and strength.

Concrete is a durable material used in construction, and it can be easily formed and molded into shapes required in a building. A long retaining wall can be done in no time with the right amount of concrete mix. Pouring mixed concrete is also easy because it can be made on-site or ordered offsite from different providers in an area. Concrete is not just placed as it is in buildings, it needs reinforcements of steel, additives, and various aggregates to hold it in place.

Building issues

There are problems that could be overlooked in construction, which can affect the stability or design of a building. These problems are rooted in miscalculations, lack of site analysis, or incorrect structural materials. Issues can also arise from the building’s wear and tear, and it can show in the cracks in the concrete. There are easy fixes that a homeowner or building owner can do, such as concrete repair. In Utah, services for repairing concrete goes beyond the structural fixes. Here are some of the problems a structure can encounter that may need repairs in time:


  • Miscalculations

Miscalculations in construction are unacceptable. Oversights may result in using the wrong type of materials and can damage a structure. Concrete mixes have additives so it can be used in various applications. The chemicals in cement or admixtures are used to improve the porousness and strength of concrete. Damage can happen without using the right concrete mix.

  • Site analysis

The lack of site analysis can result in wrong foundation support and structural defects. A site that has soil with an excessive amount of moisture can affect the durability of the structure. Seasons change, and the frost can affect the concrete if it absorbs too much moisture from its surroundings and the ground. Often, this can be fixed by repairing and pouring a better mix to prevent further damage to the structure.

  • Structural materials

Many other factors can contribute to the weakening of concrete, such as incorrect structural materials. Metals are used for rebars to reinforce concrete. Commonly, metals such as steel are conditioned to last longer and keep rust at bay.

Steel has different grades and gauges that can withstand corrosion for a long time. If a builder chooses the wrong type, then it will affect the concrete. Rust can leach out of the concrete and contribute to the deterioration of the concrete. The corrosion of embedded materials can be reduced immensely by using crack-free concrete with low permeability. Concrete can protect or become a barrier to embedded materials. A wrong mix of concrete can lower this ability to protect embedded materials.

Building a structure is not easy; it is a science that needs further planning and analysis. The professionals in the construction industry such as contractors, engineers, and architects need to make sure that the building is secure. There are no problems that cannot be fixed, and if signs of building damage are showing, then hiring a professional for repairs is a solution.


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