Everything You’ll Need for a Family Self-care Day

happy family

When we talk about self-care, we aren’t just talking about our caring for our physical appearances. In this guide, we also included a list of activities that you can do to really help you and your family bond together. The pandemic has been going on for a little over seven months now. If you’re still stuck at home quarantining with your family, you must be bored. What better way to get rid of boredom than to do some self-care with your family? It’s like giving your family a fresh new start.

Everybody could use a fresh start with everything that’s been going on in the world lately. Facing a pandemic can be stressful and can damage you and your family’s mental health. Having a self-care day together with your family can definitely benefit all of your mental health. And before any of the husbands or brothers contradict, remind them that self-care isn’t only for women. Everyone needs to practice self-care! So, without further ado, here’s everything you’ll need for your family self-care day:

Skincare products

Taking care of your skin is particularly important. In fact, you shouldn’t only be doing skincare on your self-care day. Skincare is something that you should be practicing every day. Why is that? It won’t only make you feel and look good. It can also help you prevent certain skin conditions such as skin cancer.

The most basic skincare product that every person should have is a facial cleanser. That is also your first step to your skincare routine. There are cleansers made for every skin type (dry, oily, or combination). Find the best one for you and your family. Some cleansers are good for certain skin types only, while others are created for every skin type. Toner should be applied after you wash your face, although some people skip toner at times and go straight for moisturizer.

Moisturizers are just as important as cleansers. If you don’t have any toner, a moisturizer after cleansing your face is just as good. Last but not least is sunscreen. Everyone needs sunscreen in their skincare kit. A good sunscreen is one that has SPF above 30. Getting sunscreen with a higher amount of SPF is better for your skin. That’s because you’ll get more protection from the harmful UVA and UVB rays. Being exposed to these sun rays is what causes skin cancer, skin damage, and wrinkles.

Scissors and other hair products

If you really want to do something new for yourself and your family, why not experiment with new hairstyles? Just grab some hair-cutting shears or a shaver and give each other a new hair-do. Maybe try some new hair colors and dye each other’s hair. The great thing is that even if you mess up, you won’t have to worry because you’ll be stuck in quarantine anyway. And if you do have to go out before your hair goes back to normal, you’ll be wearing a mask anyway, so no one will even know it’s you!

Nail care kit

This is just as important as skincare. It’s a sign of good hygiene and proper grooming. Some men like to think that getting manicures or pedicures are only for women, but it’s actually for everyone. Trust me, guys, no one —- and I mean no one, not even your boss —- will appreciate you having dirty nails. Having regular manicures and pedicures can solve the issue of dirty, discolored, and overgrown nails. Pedicures also get rid of any callouses and dead skin around your feet. It can also prevent any fungal infections from occurring. According to Charlton Woodly, DPM, a podiatrist, an average person should get a pedicure at least once a month.

Nutritious food

Good food is the key to anyone’s happiness. While you’re taking care of your outside, you’ve got to make sure that you’re taking care of your insides as well. That means eating yummy, nutritious food. Eating well can greatly affect your mental health. You are what you eat, after all! So as long as you’re keeping good nutrition, you will feel good as well.

A good TV series or movie

After you’ve done your self-care routine, why not just spend the rest of the day lazing around with a good TV series or movie. Or maybe think of your own family activity. What is it that you and your family loves to do to wind down? Is it boardgames? Video games? Puzzles? Painting? Arts and crafts? Do whatever it is that you guys love to do together.

Self-care is important for one’s overall well-being. You should learn to give time to yourself and your family for some good self-care. In a world as crazy as this, you’ve got to learn to destress and wind down once in a while. Why not make this a monthly thing or a weekly thing? Allot a certain time or date for you and your family to bond, take care of each other, and just let go of everything else.

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