How to Make Your Workers Want to Work for You

employees working together

Employees are the backbone of every company. However, certain factors can lead to dissatisfaction —leading to high turnover rates. Good workers are essential to a company’s success and keeping them should always be a company’s priority.

A Good Working Environment

Workplace morale is largely dictated by the office environment. Employers need to ensure that their workers are comfortable, satisfied, and secure in their place of business.

  • A custom designed work shirt is the simplest way to foster camaraderie. But keep the design simple and not overly ostentatious. A visible brand name should be enough — otherwise, your workers might feel like a walking ad for your brand.
  • Ensure that office hierarchies are not abused — no passing down unnecessary work to subordinates unless it’s noted and charged as extra work.
  • Once a position opens up, prioritize hiring from the existing ranks. Bringing in an outsider decreases morale and signals that the company doesn’t have enough faith in its own employees.
  • If the position allows it, consider allowing remote work or telecommuting. Working from home or in a shared office space actually increases efficiency — while also increasing overall satisfaction and happiness.

Recognizing Good Work

Humans feed on feelings of accomplishment. Giving an employee a raise or a higher position are clear signs of appreciation — but even simple compliments like “great job” or “you did well” can raise morale significantly.

  • Set goals and reward employees or their team if they meet it. Having a clear goal will motivate your workers — driving them to be more competitive and eager to work.
  • Reward efficiency by opting for an output-based approach. Once an employee is done with their assigned tasks for the day, they should be free to leave. Time-based approaches usually allow your less efficient employees to ask for assistance and leech of the good ones.
  • Specifying specific tasks or goals will allow you to weed out the slackers and notice your best workers. Make sure your HR is solely focused on performance when determining promotions. Social skills shouldn’t even come into the picture — unless the position deals with public relations or involves meeting clients.

Alternative Incentives

friends camping outdoors

While cash bonuses are certainly welcome, non-monetary incentives also play a big role in increasing worker morale. Recognize the wants and needs of your employees and respond to them.

  • Offer free gym membership or build your own gym if your office is big enough. You can even reward your employees for being healthy — you’ll pay less in healthcare and you’ll be improving your workers’ quality of life.
  • Recognize exceptional performance, milestones, or even punctuality and not missing a workday. You can reward your employees with free trips (travel packages), extended vacation leaves, or the option to telecommute from home a few days a week. Employees often overvalue non-monetary rewards — increasing their sense of accomplishment as well as loyalty to the company.
  • Schedule big events where everyone can participate. Informal company outings or assemblies are great ways to bond with colleagues as well as show that the higher-ups are still human.

Cultivate loyalty in your company by providing a proper work environment, validating good work, and doling out benefits and rewards to those who deserve it.

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