Neuropathy Explained: Why You Need to See a Doctor Today

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Do you experience constant muscle weakness, tingling, or going off-balance? These may be signs you need to visit a neurologist. Many factors affect neuropathy. It also has a lot of symptoms. A visit to a doctor can help you determine if what you’re feeling is normal or you already need medical attention. Here’s what you should know about neuropathy.

Neuropathy 101

Neuropathy can be different things about the activities of your nerves. These nerves belong to the peripheral nervous system, the system responsible for connecting the brain and the spinal cord to the whole body. It also has three nerves which are the sensory nerves, motors nerves, and autonomic nerves. These are the nerves that control body functions.

Neuropathy is the result of damaged nerve cells (neurons). It can either affect only one nerve or a combination of all. The damage causes the body to function differently. It might damage the motor function or the sensory of a person and more. This is a common condition and even affects diabetics. It can also be hereditary or acquired.

When Should You Contact a Neurologist

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The most common reason to call your doctor is when you fall too many times. Take note that these aren’t ordinary falls due to spillage or something in your way. These are frequent falls accompanied by dizziness, fainting, and spinning. Call a neurologist in your Tulsa area when this happens a lot. You should also call when your headaches are becoming frequent. Normal headache causes are stress, caffeine, hormones, and allergies. It’s quite common to get headaches, but it’s different when you begin to have it out of the blue and affects your daily life. You should take note of sudden changes especially feeling pain.

Common causes of vision impairment are glaucoma, cataracts, and other eye-related conditions. Yet, you might have neuropathy when you experience a sudden change in your eyesight. Like headaches and balancing, you shouldn’t neglect this symptom. Don’t take confusion for granted especially if you’re not easily startled. It’s an indicator that something is going on in your brain. Confusion is a sign of many neurological problems. It’s a sign of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. It’s also an indicator of stroke so it’s better to be safe and go to the doctor quick.

Other Symptoms You Should Watch Out For

Are there times when you experience numbness or burning sensations? How about change in your coordination and sensations plus tingling? If yes, then you might have neuropathy. Feeling that you have socks or gloves on might also mean you have a neurological condition. All these are indicators of sensory neuropathy. Weakness and difficulty moving and cramps are some symptoms of motor neuropathy. Weight loss, digestive problems, and more are autonomic neuropathy symptoms.

Going to a neurologist can help you in determining if you have a neurological condition. They can give you pain management and prescribe the right treatment options for you. Consider going to a neurologist as soon as possible if you’re experiencing any of the symptoms.

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