Marketing for dental surgeries; advantages of SEO


When you run a dental website for your dental surgery you probably want to increase the number of people who visit the site and become patients at the surgery. But if you are new to the world of SEO and dental marketing, this can be tricky. So you may not be aware of the advantages of these strategies. After all, you may not have any evidence that SEO or marketing online will work for your dental surgery.

What are some of the advantages of investing in dental marketing and SEO for your dental surgery?

Quality traffic

SEO is based on inbound marketing, which is more customer-centric. So instead of you contacting patients it involves creating resources and making helpful information more easily accessible so the patients will come to you. This improves the quality of the traffic that visits your website. And hopefully will encourage the majority of those who visit your social page to become patients.

digital marketing

No paying for ads

Pay per click can be an efficient short-term strategy. But the cost per click can be expensive for businesses. With SEO, you have the potential (if it is correctly implemented) to avoid paying for people to visit your website. And you earn organic traffic with no ongoing costs. Which is an obvious win-win. However, as your marketing strategy is building, you may want to discuss with your marketing team paying for people to visit your website or for advertisements which would be funded. But once again, this is only a short-term option.

SEO helps PR

SEO and public relations seem like entirely separate marketing strategies. But when you use them together, this maximises results. The biggest connection between the two is in building links.

If you have a dental surgery page with a blog talking about dental implants in the UK, and the links in this article are to a website like the NHS, this helps with PR. As viewers are getting this information and are linked to an authoritative source, rather than an unknown blog.

More affordable

When it comes to comparing the cost of running a marketing advertisement in a newspaper versus SEO, it is obvious that SEO is more affordable for the majority of dental practices. And it is adaptable. So you can change how much work you want to be done on your website during a specific period to attract more patients. Your marketing team will be able to offer this to you with potentially reduced costs. So, SEO grows your brand as you want it to.

More efficient

It’s worth noting that when it comes to marketing overall, the average business will notice a spike in their profits after they have had an advertising campaign. Unfortunately, advertising on the radio, in the newspaper or on TV is extraordinarily expensive. And so, one key advantage of SEO is that it is more efficient in attracting patients over a longer period. While there may be minimal spikes in enquiries to your dental surgery, you should notice an increase overall rather than intermittently.

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