How To Efficiently Deal with Autoimmune Diseases in Kids

sick child
  • Take a holistic approach to managing autoimmune diseases, including Western medicine and holistic practices. 
  • Ensure your child is getting the proper nutrients and help manage pain, anxiety, and other emotional aspects of their condition. 
  • Exercise can strengthen muscles and bones, and herbal remedies can be a form of treatment with the help of a doctor.
  • Consider Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) to reduce inflammation and improve immune system function. 
  • Functional medicine helps address the root causes of autoimmune diseases rather than just treating the symptoms. 

Autoimmune diseases are becoming more and more common in children nowadays. As parents, it can be disheartening to see your children suffer from such chronic conditions that can disrupt their daily lives. That’s why it’s essential to know modern ways to deal with autoimmune diseases to help your kids live their lives to the fullest. Here are some examples.

A Holistic Approach

In dealing with autoimmune diseases, it’s essential to take a holistic approach. A combination of Western medicine and holistic practices can help the body to function optimally. Integrative medicine clinics can help you with a more comprehensive approach to managing your child’s condition. Here are some ideas:

Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional deficiencies can worsen autoimmune diseases. Therefore, it’s essential to ensure that your child is getting the right nutrients and minerals.

A diet high in nutrients like antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and probiotics can improve their conditions. Working with a nutritionist can help you develop a personalized diet that meets your child’s needs.

Mind-Body Therapy

Mind-body therapy techniques like hypnotherapy and biofeedback can help children with autoimmune diseases to manage their stress and anxiety levels. These practices teach children to use their minds to control the bodily functions that they typically do automatically without thinking. Mind-body therapy can help manage pain, anxiety, and other emotional aspects of their condition.


Physical activity is beneficial for children with autoimmune diseases. It helps strengthen their muscles and bones, improve their energy levels, and maintain a healthy weight. Low-impact exercises like swimming or biking can be great for children with joint pain. Exercise can also enhance the quality of sleep, boost cognitive function, and can lead to overall happiness.

Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies have been used for centuries to treat various chronic conditions. Many herbs are rich in antioxidants and can help reduce inflammation and improve the body’s immune system. It is essential to consult with a doctor before giving your child any herbal remedies, as some may interfere with other medications they are taking.

green capsule spilled onto a wooden table with leaves in the background

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

HBOT is increasingly being used to treat autoimmune diseases in children. It involves breathing pure oxygen inside a pressurized chamber, which increases the amount of oxygen available to cells.

This helps reduce inflammation and improve immune system function. It has even been found that an effective HBOT session can be a form of treatment for autoimmune diseases in children with minimal side effects.

If possible, look for a provider that is experienced in handling young clients so that they can provide your child with the best care. It’s also best to consult with your child’s doctor to ensure that the HBOT is a safe and effective option for them.

Functional Medicine

Functional medicine is a practical approach to dealing with autoimmune diseases that focus on the root causes rather than the symptoms. It involves a thorough evaluation of your child’s medical history, diet, lifestyle, and genetics, among other factors.

With this information, a functional medicine practitioner can develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses the underlying causes of the disease. For instance, the practitioner may recommend dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, supplements, and medications to help manage their condition.

In some cases, they may even recommend genetic testing to identify any potential genetic mutations that could be contributing to the condition. Ultimately, functional medicine practitioners can help you and your child find the best possible ways to manage their autoimmune disorder.

closeup of DNA graphics with blue and white colors

Be There For Your Child

When your child is diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, it can be hard to know how to best support them. The most important thing you can do is to be there for them — listen to what they have to say, express your love and support, and encourage them in their journey.

You may also consider joining a local or online support group for parents of children with autoimmune diseases. Connecting with other parents who have gone through similar experiences can be a great source of comfort and strength for both you and your child.

By taking the time to learn about modern ways to deal with autoimmune diseases in kids, you can help your child manage their condition more effectively.

Autoimmune diseases can be overwhelming for parents and children alike, but modern medicine has provided innovative and effective ways to manage them. These methods are not only effective in managing autoimmune diseases but can also improve the overall health of your child. Taking a holistic approach, a proper diet, functional medicine, mind-body therapy, and exercise can help your child to live a fulfilling life despite their condition. Seek the support of your pediatrician and specialists along this journey to help your child live the best life possible.

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