Unseen Dangers: How Safe is Your Home From Toxic Hazards?

Man placing harmful chemical on stairs

Like many others around the world, the recent trends in health and safety compelled you to create a safer environment at home. You’ve already covered the basics: smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, and child safety devices. You don’t even allow smoking in your house anymore.

You may have prevented everything from fires to accidents, but what measures have you taken against toxic chemicals? Exposure to toxic chemicals is difficult to avoid today. Still, you can take measures to minimize them drastically within your household.

Deal with House Dust

The number of hazardous chemicals in house dust may surprise you. They’re a combination of old skin cells, bacteria, soil particles, dust mites, and toxins from consumer products. When you go home and bring your shoes in, you add more pollutants to that mixture.

Harmful chemicals may even come from old house paint. If your house in Utah was built before 1978, chances are its paint has lead.

Simple practices like leaving your shoes outside and cleaning with a damp cloth can lessen the dust you deal with every day. It’s also helpful to check the house for certain items like carpets and heavy drapes, which often collect dust. Consider replacing or repairing damaged floor and furniture, too. Cracks and crevices trap dirt that’s difficult to clean.

Take care of family members with allergies using home humidifiers. Certain types available in Utah can purify the air by filtering pollen and dust, which helps prevent further exposure.

Once you get the house dust under control, consider the more obvious toxic chemicals you have in storage.

Do Away with Pesticides

Pesticides are costly, both in health and finances. While they’re the most convenient products for getting rid of pests and germs, they make you susceptible to serious illnesses. You encounter pesticides in schools, offices, parks, and public transportation. There’s little you can do about outside exposure, but your house is a different matter.

By targeting the cause of pest problems, you take a more lasting action. Sealing the entry points of roaches and mice is a good start. Encourage the entire family to practice proper food storage and to pick up residues on the floor. Thorough washing of dishes also contributes a lot to keep pests away from your home.

Often, it’s the basic rules of cleanliness that make a better impact. The same can be said by using cleaning products.

Switch to Non-Toxic Cleaning Products

The cleaning products you’re used to buying already contain warnings that label them as toxic or poisonous. Perhaps you’ve even experienced their effects while cleaning, such as feeling your lungs constrict. These chemicals pollute the air inside your house and can be especially dangerous to children.

Switch to products that have no ammonia, chlorine, and similar chemicals. Better yet, create your cleaning mix at home using products you already have. Vinegar is a popular alternative you can use to clean different surfaces and problem areas. Baking soda and lemon juice are also suitable substitutes for removing greases and stains.

All it takes is a little research. Several websites give free tutorials and recipes you can use to avoid toxic chemicals in your house.

Make the Change

Fire extinguisher hanging on the wall

Keeping you and your family safe in your own home doesn’t always require fancy devices. By staying diligent in maintaining a clean and organized environment, you can lead your family towards better health.

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