Summer Survival: Protect Your Lawn from the Heat


One of the telltale signs that summer has come is the brown patches of grass in parks and lawns. But of course, you wouldn’t want your yard to be the one to remind people about it. The brown patches of grass are caused by heat stress; grasses become wilted and prone to diseases because of the intense heat and lack of water (which is mostly due to the lack of rain during summer). As a homeowner, these brown patches are an eyesore, but if you’re looking to sell or rent out your house, these brown patches can deter potential buyers or tenants. First impressions do matter, after all.

So let’s discuss how you can prepare your lawn for summer.

Clean Your Lawn

The one thing you need to bear in mind is that the grass needs to have enough water. Thatch (a layer made up of debris such as dead grass, pine needles, fallen leaves, and other organic matter) can prevent the grass from getting enough sunlight and water. So before summer arrives, it’s best to take a rake and gently remove all the thatch in your lawn.


Similar to thatch, weeds can deprive your lawn grass of sunlight or water. However, weeds do a lot more harm than thatch as it not only takes up water but also nutrition from the soil. As such, you should remove weeds as soon as you see them. You might be tempted to use lawn weed killers if you have a rampant weed problem. Still, they can do more harm than good if improperly administered, so consider asking a professional lawn care service to do it for you instead.

Let Your Lawn Breathe

gardener with a shovel

If you’re not familiar with the term lawn aeration, it’s the process of poking holes in the lawn surface to allow water and nutrients to be absorbed by the grassroots. During winter, your lawn can become hard and compact, which makes it harder for the roots to get the oxygen, nutrients, and water that they badly need this summer. You can use a pitchfork or similar tools to poke holes to aerate your lawn or rent a specialized lawn aeration tool.


The next best way you can prevent those brown patches on your lawn this summer is by providing your grass with much-needed nutrients using a fertilizer. If you’re not sure about which fertilizer to use, it’s best to ask your local lawn care or gardening store or consult an expert about the best fertilization plan for your lawn.

Sprinkler Tuneup

Most importantly, you have to ensure that your lawn is well-irrigated with the use of a sprinkler. You might have noticed some gardens that have sprinklers, and yet they still have areas with brown patches. This can be due to poor sprinkler settings; the sprinkler system might not be able to reach the entire lawn. So before summer arrives, make sure that your sprinkler system is inspected, properly maintained, and strategically placed and adjusted. If your sprinkler system is no longer working or has inadequate pressure/coverage, you need to call your local sprinkler and yard service in Sandy.

It can be quite challenging to keep your lawn green and vibrant during the summer. If you to take note of these pointers, you can prepare your lawn to beat the summer heat.

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