Should You Have a Radiant Heating System?

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For many people in the world, naturally warm weather is not a luxury that they get to enjoy. Instead, they have to contend with chilly months and freezing winters that make anyone long for hot, sunny days at the beach.

Thankfully, modern times mean that heat can be artificially generated. As a result, many homes, especially in colder places like Park City, Utah, are equipped with centralized heating systems. These allow homeowners to remain comfortable even in the coldest of winters, as rooms are instantly infused with warmth.

Most heating systems used today are convective; they warm a room by circulating warm air. Some examples of these are radiators and forced-air ducts. However, now there is a newer, more efficient way of delivering heat to your home.

Radiant heating systems distribute heat through a building’s walls and floors. These are most effective as an indoor heat source and are more efficient than convective heating systems.

Here are some of the benefits of employing a radiant heating system in your home:

Absence of ductwork

Unlike convective heating systems, which require air ducts similar to the way air conditioning systems do, radiant heating systems do not feature any ductwork. Air ducts need to be cleaned regularly lest they begin to pose a health risk to your household. These can cost you hundreds of dollars per year. Given how much effort and resources it takes to maintain an air duct network, getting to do away with one is indeed very helpful. 

Increased space indoors

Unlike other heating systems that require physical components to circulate air, such as vents or a physical unit, radiant heating systems do not require visible components. This helps you save space on your floors and walls, where these components typically go. Furthermore, you are spared from the need to regularly clean and maintain these components.>

Better quality of indoor air

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Convective air systems rely on circulating air. If the ducts have not been cleaned in a while, the warm air circulating in your home might contain dust particles and other potential allergens.

Since radiant heating systems do not rely on air circulation, there is no such risk. Thus, you can enjoy better and cleaner air in your home and keep your family safe and healthy.

Uniform distribution of heat

Many heating systems deliver heat from a certain fixed point in the room. As a result, the area closest to that point receives the bulk of the warmth and is thus warmed faster.

In contrast, radiant heating systems transfer heat through the floors and walls, heating the room at a uniform rate. This means fewer variations in temperature between parts of a room, which leads to increased comfort for you at home.

More efficient heating

Solids and liquids facilitate the transfer of heat faster than air does. This means that less energy is required to distribute and maintain heat indoors. This, in turn, leads to the efficient use of energy and lower utility bills.

Overall, radiant heating systems have several benefits. Though they might cost more upfront, the long-term savings and comfort will make every penny spent more than worth it.

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