Parenting Pointers: Homeschool Essentials for Children

young girl attending online schooling

The challenges faced during COVID-19 is a lesson in handling new things that life throws at you. One of these is becoming a literal educator to your children and the home becoming their literal school. As schools are closed, it falls to the parents to help their children with schoolwork.

With the pandemic seemingly not yet near to an end, there is a move to helping children learn from the safety of home. This also means you’ll have to keep your cars at your carport canopies for the moment; there are cons to this, as some parents aren’t built to be teachers, but there are also a lot of benefits to becoming your children’s first and long-time teachers for the foreseeable future.

Take a look at the different opportunities you can get with homeschooling your children. Who knows, maybe it can become an option before they eventually go to college when the pandemic dissipates.

Make Readily Available Snacks for Kids

Snacking through the day is important. It helps your kids keep away from binge eating or choosing unhealthy options instead. Remember to keep snacks ready for them through the day, especially when they’re feeling empty or hungry, and it’s still long before lunch or the end of their school day.

There are different options for keeping snacks near them. For healthy options, you could keep grains like peanuts near them or healthy, easy to eat fruits like sliced apples, grapes, or bananas. You can also help them by keeping food in a food container nearby. Just remember that these are snacks, not full-on meals, and to keep it healthy.

Your Pick of Farm-Fresh Food

Healthy food will need to be fresh and from-the-market, of course. If you can go to the market, remember to look for fresh and naturally grown food. Go green if you must but remember to look for recipes which would help your children eat these. You can go for buttered vegetables or a garden salad.

You can also look for different food that’s a mix of delicious and healthy. It should also have your children looking forward to dinner. Steak dinner now and then can be partnered with delicious greens so you can offer them meat and natural food at the same time.

young girl raising hand during online class

Extra Vigilance with Safety Protocols

It doesn’t matter whether you’re eating or keeping healthy by being active if you’re not keeping safe. The security protocols set by authorities are there for a reason; if you could, you should wash as soon as you come home from the market or outside. Remember to keep your trips outside to a minimum.

If you’re feeling even a little sick after coming in outside, immediately medicate if you can and schedule an online appointment with a doctor. Remember to follow quarantine procedures and keep away from people in your home. It’s good to nip viruses in the bud during their earlier stages.

A Refresher—New Courses for Homeschool

Observe your kids during their homeschool sessions. If you see that they’re feeling lethargic or uninspired, instead of giving them an immediate sit-down, why not try to amuse them with other activities? Schedule a home session for them connected to home school, like learning a new thing to do.

Why not try teaching them how to cook or bake? Take the Food Exploration Project, an initiative to give children ages 8 to 11 something different to do. The kit doesn’t cost much, and it includes activities for the children and a guide for parents to help their children.

Go Active After School

All that time sitting down and looking at the screen may be causing the lethargy of your children. If there’s a park not far away from you, you could schedule a little after-school activity for them. Take a leisurely walk in the park while keeping a safe distance from other people to stretch all of your legs.

If you’d rather stay within the confines of your property, why not schedule something like an activity or a game that includes everyone in the family? It’s a test in communication and relationships. It will also foster closer relationships with everyone in the family, your kids first and foremost.

The pandemic has taught us to be contented with our time at home. It’s also presented us with something new, learning at home and catching up with our loved ones. If you can, you can take the best practices of helping your children learn at home during the pandemic and opt to continue this set-up even after a vaccine is provided.

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