How to Make a Room Distraction-proof for Your Little Virtual Learner

kid studying with parent

Distance learning can sometimes be tiring, especially if you have to accompany your little one who has a limited attention span. The current pandemic is not disappearing anytime soon, even if vaccines are already available. One way or another, distance learning is here to stay.

Preschoolers learn more from activities and project-based lessons. The importance of preschool is that it ensures that toddlers can develop social and emotional skills as a foundation of their learning. It serves as their stepping stone before elementary school. Kindergarten and preparatory schools sometimes vary when it comes to their strategies. But they focus commonly on the following cores:

  1. Collaboration. Children are trained to communicate well with others. Their leadership skills must also be honed while they are young. It will help develop their self-confidence for the years to come.
  2. Respect. Children should be taught how to respect individuals, no matter what. This helps them eradicate any kind of discrimination within their group.
  3. Excellence. Children are naturally curious, and preschool is one way for them to delve deeper into their curiosities. This will help hone their multiple intelligences as they grow up and discover what they are good at.
  4. Sportsmanship. As much as children are risk-takers, they can also be highly competitive. Sportsmanship must be taught to maintain peace and equilibrium between them. It also promotes a healthy environment where they can healthily express themselves.
  5. Responsibility. Even if they are young, teaching them about responsibility is vital for their growth as a person. When they learn about the importance of this concept, they can pinpoint their roles better. They will be able to understand why they are the way they are and develop a sense of purpose.

With distance learning, these values must still be given importance. It may be challenging, but teachers and parents must go hand in hand for their preschool days to be effective and fun. One thing that you must always keep in mind, though, is to eliminate distractions from the room where your child attends meetings.

A four-year-old’s attention span lasts only around five to 10 minutes for a single task. With technology right in front of their face, there is very much more room for distractions. But not if you know how to set limits and make them understand the importance of schooling even at home. One way to do this is to set up their learning room as distraction-proof as possible—without making it boring. Kids love to be in a room where they can feel that they are welcome and at ease.

mother and child


Children can easily be diverted from their activity just by hearing a sound from a faraway source. Sound-proofing a room is not as expensive as it sounds. You may opt to try the do-it-yourself approach and save a couple of bucks in the process. If you want to stay thrifty, you can try covering the walls with thick pads or blankets to drown out the noise from the outside. Thick and soft materials will be your way to go.

But if you want to make the room more elegant, you may consider covering the walls with sound-absorbing panels. You may also cover the ceiling to ensure a sound-proof room.

Color and lighting

The color of your room will also help improve the moods and productivity levels of your child. Certain colors have psychological effects.

  • Blue provides comfort and ease.
  • Yellow simulates creativity, energy, and curiosity.
  • Green provides a peaceful, calm, and quiet environment to work in.
  • White improves attention and concentration.
  • Red increases alertness and excitement.
  • Orange provides a happier environment, a mix of the effects of red and yellow.

Deciding what colors to use in the room will increase various psychological factors in your child. Remember to think about what color better suits their personality. If they are more sociable and extroverted, maybe orange will be ideal for them. On the other hand, a blue room will keep an introverted child at ease.

Other than the color of the walls, considering the color of lighting is also important. Blue-tinted bulbs can improve their alertness. One of the most recommended lightning techniques is to have a big overhead light that illuminates the whole room. You must also put a smaller one, specifically for their tasks on the desk.


Aside from the artificial lighting, natural light can also be helpful to keep them awake during discussions. If you cannot afford or possibly install a skylight due to the placement of the room, there are some alternatives available. You may consider a motorized window treatment for the learning room.

Motorized window treatments are more convenient, as they are programmed to open and close depending on the time of day you want them to. They can effectively regulate the natural lighting coming into the room. They can be controlled through an application.

Your child’s comfort and peace should be your priority in distance learning. If this is achieved, this will help alleviate the difficulties experienced during their online classes. As a parent, you also have to ensure that your child is still learning their best by giving them support in any way that you can. One way is giving them the perfect workspace for all their virtual learning needs.

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