How to Properly Disinfect Your Home After Illness

cleaning materials

When you come down with an illness and subsequently recover, germs will remain in your living space even if they’re no longer in your system. Recovering from an illness is only half the battle, you also need to clean up after yourself so you don’t infect everyone else or reinfect yourself. The following strategies are effective ways to keep you and your entire household healthy post-sickness.

Clean out your air filters

Make sure you and your family are breathing in the cleanest and sanitized air possible by cleaning out your air filters or fully replacing them once you’ve recovered from your illness. This ensures that any leftover germs aren’t still circulating in your living space. You can further sanitize your home by installing a UV light air purification system that thoroughly kills off any remaining bacteria and germs.

Wash your sheets and pillowcases

Strip your bed of its sheets and your pillowcases and soak them for a few minutes in boiling water. Apply laundry detergent, scrub them thoroughly, and rinse them out. Make sure to do this with every piece of bedding found in every bedroom of your living space, not just your own bed.

Disinfect high-touch surfaces

High-touch surfaces are the most commonly touched surfaces in your home. These include your doorknobs, light switches, faucet levers, and appliance handles and buttons. These areas are full of germs, so it’s important to pay close attention to them when disinfecting your home. Spray a disinfectant on them and let it rest for at least 10 to 15 minutes, then wipe them down with isopropyl alcohol or a surface cleaner.

Sanitize electronics and remote controls

Even if you’re the only one who uses your smartphone or laptop, it’s still important to disinfect these gadgets since you use them on a daily basis. The residual bacteria and germs from these objects can travel from your hand to other people. Since you can’t get these items wet, you’ll have to clean it with a piece of cloth or a cotton ball soaked in disinfectant. Make sure you don’t get any of the solutions into the nooks and crannies of your items, otherwise you could risk damaging them.

Use disposable cutlery and dishware

This is a tip to keep in mind before or during your illness, but it can still help you even after you’ve recovered. You can avoid spreading germs by using disposable cups, paper plates, and cutlery so that none of the germs from the utensils that you use will transfer to your healthy household members since you can simply dispose of them in the trash after use.

Use disposable paper towels or microfiber cloth to clean surfaces


Avoid using a sponge when washing dishes or cleaning surfaces. Unless you’re willing to boil them after every use, sponges are a breeding ground for bacteria. It’s better to use a microfiber cloth or paper towels instead when disinfecting your home. You can also purchase a new scrub brush for one-time use. Since friction can eliminate germs, scrubbing down all surfaces thoroughly is a great way to disinfect these areas, as well.

Just because you’ve fallen ill, it doesn’t mean everyone else in your household needs to get sick too. These practical tips will help keep you and your loved ones safe and healthy during these precarious times.

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