Dealing With Bugs When You Live Near the Lake or Other Bodies of Water

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Living near bodies of water such as a lake or a pond certainly has a lot of benefits. For one, spending time outdoors is a lot more fun what with all the swimming and water sports that you can do on the regular. Moreover, it is scientifically proven that water can have a calming effect on your mind and body, which can, in turn, help you sleep better, experience less stress, and generally become a happier person overall.

However, there is one downside to living near water that is difficult to avoid: bugs! Although it’s almost impossible to avoid bugs from going anywhere near you while you’re outside, there are a lot of ways you can keep them from going inside your house.

Learn how you can keep these pesky creatures from wreaking havoc in your home.


Mosquitoes are some of the most irritating insects there are. Worse, they thrive anywhere there is water, especially when it is hot and humid.

Dealing with insects outside is already bad enough. Luckily, you can keep them at bay by spraying yourself with mosquito repellent. But when they start to invade your home, you may have to deal with multiple painful bites a day. To keep them from your house, here are some things you can do:

Hire a mosquito control service. If the mosquito problem on your property has reached a level beyond DIY fixes, call a mosquito control service right away. They can help you get rid of or minimize the existing mosquitoes on your property and prevent the influx of new ones.

Remove standing water. Don’t let mosquitoes lay eggs anywhere near your home; remove standing water from plant saucers, tires, backyard equipment, and other things where water can accumulate.

Install screens. Many houses near a lake or a pond have screens installed because of the inherent insect problem. If your house doesn’t have screens yet (or doesn’t have enough), install one on each door and window to prevent mosquitoes from entering without having to sacrifice air circulation.

Screen in your porch. If you can’t enjoy an afternoon tea on your porch without getting attacked by thousands of mosquitoes, it may be time to invest in a screened-in porch.

Invest in ceiling fans. Ceiling fans don’t only improve the air circulation in your home, but they also prevent mosquitoes from making a habitat out of your house. Furthermore, ceiling fans can help keep your home cool during the summer months, which can also help keep your utility bills down.


Horseflies pack a painful bite and are always looking for blood. Similar to mosquitoes, some of the best ways to avoid them are to install screens and removing standing water from your property. Moreover, you can keep them away with these tips:

Clean up animal waste. If you have a pet, be sure to pick up after them regularly to avoid attracting horseflies.

Seal garbage receptacles. Horseflies are also attracted to garbage, so keeping your bins tightly sealed will help keep them away. Furthermore, this tip will also help you avoid roaches, raccoons, rats, and other pests that are attracted to garbage.

Mayflies and gnats

Mayflies and gnats don’t bite like the first two insects on this list, but they can be just as annoying. Here are some ways to prevent them from invading your property:

Replace your outdoor lights. Mayflies are attracted to artificial lights, and the least type of light they are attracted to is sodium vapor bulbs with a yellowish hue. Replacing your bulbs with this type of light can help avoid mayflies. But if you want to keep your property well-illuminated for security, you may want to invest in motion-detecting lights instead.

Clean your yard. Keep your yard free from dead organic matter that can attract mayflies and other types of pests.


Ants are everywhere, and they can be just as plentiful near bodies of water, if not more. If you’re dealing with an ant problem in your home, here’s what you can do:

Call a pest control serviceThey can remove ant mounds from your property safely. Don’t try to remove mounds on your own if the ants are the type that bite.

Seal food. Keep all food tightly sealed, especially in your pantry or anywhere you store dry goods. The same goes for food waste, which should be kept in a sealed receptacle.

Dealing with insects is perhaps the worst thing about living near water, but it’s a small price to pay for the benefits. Nevertheless, you can keep your life near water relatively insect-free with these effective strategies and avoid having to battle with these pesky creatures daily.

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