Parenting amid the Pandemic: Parenting Lessons We Can All Keep

reading with child

The current health crisis made parenting even more complicated. With the kids sheltering in place, parents had to find ways to keep the children engaged. If they get into trouble, we can’t simply tell them they are grounded. They were not leaving the house even if they are not. The kids miss their friends, couldn’t wait to visit the playground, and some even find it hard to understand why they can’t go with you when running errands.

The pandemic paved way for the new normal, where social isolation, mask-wearing, and constant handwashing became a must. It was also a year when job losses were abundant, with some parents switching to remote work. With all the chaos we’ve been struggling with during the past year, we could learn a thing or two while parenting on lockdown.

Shared Parenting Should Be Equal Among Parents

Before, the usual setup was for one parent to stay at home to take care of the kids and the house. Even if the stay-at-home parent is also working remotely, he or she still does more than the parent working outside. The result is one parent taking in more stress and responsibility than the other.

But with the pandemic, thousands of parents had to work remotely at the same time. This gave the other parent the chance to realize just how complicated it can be to stay productive at work and as a stay-at-home parent. Now, more parents are equally dividing responsibilities to make sure everything is covered.

Parents now take turns watching over the kids, doing household chores, and working. Those who used to work outside their home no longer demand a break after a productive day at work. They finally realized that parenting is hard work that needs to be equally shared by both parents.

Parents Should Learn How to Really Listen to Their Kids

parents with children

Many parents would disregard the comments made by their kids simply because of their overwhelming schedule. Besides, taking care of a family, the house, and having a full-time job is never easy. But when your kids tell you they are in pain, parents should learn how to listen and watch out for other signs.

Many parents are unaware of what we call growing pains. This usually occurs when children are between two and 12 years old. Growing pain can be a recurrent leg pain that starts to ache before bedtime. Some doctors believe this is due to the fact that kids tire out their muscles.

When your kids say they are experiencing this and are constantly telling you it hurts, don’t simply give them pain medication. Know that you can consult their pediatrician or even a chiropractor. Professional chiropractic treatments can help with growing pains and make sure your kids will find the relief they very much needed.

Routines Are a Fool-proof Way to Keep Kids Engaged

Many parents allow their kids to go about their day without knowing what to expect when. Chances are, all the kids know is what time they should be eating meals when to take a bath, and what time to go to sleep. But remember that engaged kids are the happiest.

Routines will make sure the kids know what to expect and how to behave as expected of them. Sure, kids will be kids and will sometimes be stubborn enough not to listen to what you have to say. But giving structure to their day makes it easier for them to cope.

Routine charts make it easier for you to plan the kid’s schedule ahead of time. If your kids are still unable to read, take advantage of drawings that tell them what to do at certain times of the day. You can even plan the day ahead with the kids to make them feel better in control of their schedule.

Personal Space Should Be Treated as a Necessity

Little kids may not understand the meaning of personal space. But then, more parents started working from home and their older siblings are now studying remotely. It becomes a must that every family member gets to enjoy their personal space as needed.

Many parents think personal space is a luxury. But only when you have to take an important call or when you are about to start a video conference will you learn the importance of privacy and space. If you want your kids to give you the personal space you need, you should also honor your kids’ privacy.

Some parents have this bizarre rule where kids are not allowed privacy even inside their own rooms. As the kids grow older, they become more independent. Everyone should be entitled to their personal space especially at home.

Parenting became much more complicated because of the new normal. But the crisis taught us many lessons that we could all use in becoming better parents. We just need to learn to open our eyes and minds and accept the fact that the new normal forever changed how we live and how we parent our kids.

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