How To Enjoy The Wilderness When Camping With Family

family camping
  • Choosing the right campsite involves considerations for safety, accessibility, and proximity to essential facilities.
  • Adequate pre-planning is crucial, including preparing a checklist of essential camping gear and emergency supplies.
  • Special camping tools like meat bags, a first-aid kit, and portable water filters enhance safety and convenience.
  • Engaging kids in camping activities enriches the experience, fostering learning and appreciation for nature.

Camping is a classic family activity that promotes bonding, adventure, and quality time. It allows families to disconnect from their busy lives, connect with nature, and make priceless memories together- all without breaking the bank. However, camping with kids can be pretty challenging, especially if it’s their first time and you’re not prepared for the wilderness. This blog post will share some essential camping tips for families so that you can enjoy the great outdoors with your loved ones.

Choose the Right Campsite

When camping with your family, choose a campsite that’s suitable for your children’s ages, interests, and needs. Some campgrounds offer amenities such as playgrounds, swimming pools, and hiking trails. It’s also important to consider the following:


The campsite’s accessibility plays a crucial role in ensuring a smooth and enjoyable camping experience. Choose a site that’s easily reachable by your family vehicle and doesn’t require difficult or dangerous paths to navigate, especially if you have younger children. If your family is new to camping, you might want to consider a campsite not too far away from essential services or facilities for added convenience and safety.


Safety should be your top priority when camping, especially with children. Check for any potential hazards at the campsite, such as poisonous plants, dangerous wildlife, or large bodies of water. Ensure the camp has clear emergency procedures in place, and be aware of the nearest medical facilities. Always have a first-aid kit equipped with essentials, and make sure your family knows basic first-aid procedures.

Proximity to Facilities

Keep in mind the campsite’s proximity to necessary facilities. If camping with small children or anyone with specific needs, being close to washrooms and showers can make a significant difference. Also, consider how close you are to clean water sources and waste disposal areas. Although being too close to these facilities might compromise your sense of being “in the wilderness,” it can add a layer of comfort and convenience that might be crucial for a positive camping experience, especially for first-timers.

family in camping van with map in hand

Consider All You’d Need Beforehand

Planning ahead is vital to a successful family camping trip. Start by making a comprehensive checklist of all the items you’d need, ranging from essential camping gear like tents, sleeping bags, and cookware to clothing suitable for expected weather conditions. Don’t forget about crucial things like food, water, and emergency supplies. Here are other things that you need to pack:

Meat Bags

When planning your meals for the camping trip, consider bringing durable meat bags for storing your food. These bags are designed to keep your meat fresh and protected from wild animals, insects, or other potential threats in the wilderness. Most importantly, meat bags are reusable and easy to clean, and they make handling and packing your food much more manageable.

First-Aid Kit

A camping trip is incomplete without a well-stocked first-aid kit. It should contain essential items like bandages, antiseptic wipes, tweezers, medical tape, and a digital thermometer. Don’t forget to pack any necessary personal medications for your family members. Having a first-aid kit handy ensures you’re prepared for any minor injuries or illnesses that may arise during your camping adventure, granting you peace of mind to fully embrace the experience.

Water Filter

A portable water filter is a must-have when camping, especially in the wilderness, where access to clean drinking water may be limited. These lightweight, compact devices can effectively remove impurities such as bacteria, parasites, and microplastics from natural water sources, ensuring you and your family have safe water for drinking and cooking. They’re easy to use and can purify water from streams, lakes, or rivers in just a few minutes.

family camping gear in the wilderness

Involve the Kids

Involving children in planning and executing camping activities empowers them and makes the experience more enjoyable. Encourage their curiosity and creativity by letting them help pitch the tent, gather firewood, or navigate the hiking trail.

You could also involve them in choosing meals for the trip or even learning to identify different plants and animals. Furthermore, it’s essential to establish clear rules and expectations for behavior in the wilderness, such as respecting nature, staying close to the campsite, and following safety guidelines.

If possible, try to disconnect from technology and spend quality time with your family. Camping provides a unique opportunity for children to explore, learn, and appreciate the beauty of nature without distractions.

Camping with your family is an excellent way to bond and create lasting memories. With these camping tips for families, you can plan your next adventure with confidence, knowing that you’re well-prepared for the wilderness. Remember to choose a suitable campsite, pack all the essentials, and involve your kids in the experience.

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