
Why It’s Hard to Memorize Numbers and How to Fix It

Have you ever wondered why when someone asks you to recall the name of your first pet, you can easily give the right answer? But, when someone asks you to remember this number code: 907346110756, you cannot seem to remember it even if it is a matter of life and death? Well, the reason behind

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woman kissing her dog

Why It’s Truly Great to Own a Dog

Pets have become commonplace in households, not just because they provide us with companionship and security, but with them, we also get to fulfill our desire to love, cherish, and care for something. However, only a few pets are capable of providing security, like dogs. Furthermore, breeds play into consideration when discussing security. After all,

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Age Doesn’t Matter: Why Young Women Prefer Older Men (and Vice Versa)

Age is just a number when it comes to love. Everyone is capable of loving, regardless of age. Kids love unconditionally even if their parents run out of patience most of the time due to their rowdiness. Grandparents spoil their grandchildren with too much love and sweets. Of course, parents love their children and will

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shredded paper

Recycling Today for a Better Tomorrow

Captain Planet is a children’s television show about encouraging the world to recycle and protect the environment. If a cartoon series can inspire children to think twice about what is trash, how about grown-ups? Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Reusing products, instead of consigning them to the landfill, brings a sense of fulfilment and helps contributes

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woman eating breakfast

Routines: When to Make Them, When to Break Them

It’s a Monday morning, and you’re getting ready for work. You wake up, shower, and help prepare breakfast. After that, you kiss your spouse and children before leaving for work. Every day it feels like the same thing, over and over again. Routines are activities we do that might seem boring and repetitive. Boring as

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women applying makeup in the dressing room

Why Wearing Makeup Makes Women More Confident

Let’s take a look at the history of makeup. Women have been putting makeup on their faces and bodies for 30,000 years. Look at tribes in Africa and South America. Men and women wear makeup to show their superiority and leadership. Makeup was used not to cover flaws. It was used to strengthen women’s characters.

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woman with a problem

Being Famous: A Dream No One Can Prepare For

Amy Winehouse is one of those people who physically embodies what being famous and talented can be like. At an early age, Amy discovered her talent for singing, much to the delight of those around her. She caught the attention of many people, but the attention came to her surprise. The desire to be famous

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happy sheep

Wool: Helping You Keep Warm at Night

Sheep are wonderful creatures; they’re not only a good source of food, they also provide clothing. From the biblical times all the way to the exploration years, sheep have been providing wool throughout human history. Today, the uses of this popular fibre span from clothing, heating, and many other purposes that fulfill our needs. Wool

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How to Take Care of Your Brows After Microblading

Getting your brows microbladed is one thing, but taking good care of it right after is a totally different story. A lot of people get confused with how they should actually take care of their microbladed brows, which is why you should always pay attention to your technician when they are giving you tips on

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What Does Your Proposal Story Tell About You?

You’re finally going to marry the love of your life. Getting engaged is only one-fourth of the battle. There’s the inevitable hassle of planning a wedding, merging the families, and, of course, making your marriage work. But for now, congratulations! You are off on your way to have the family life you’ve always dreamed of.

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