A Parent’s Guide to Creating a Healthy Home for the Family

It’s our job as parents to create a safe and healthy environment for our kids. But while we are too focused on exercise and nutrition, we usually forget how our own living space affects our family’s health. It’s where we play with our kids, cook meals for the family, and recharge after a busy day. This is why ensuring that we’re living in a clean and healthy space is essential.

If you’re seeing an unkempt, unsafe, and unclean home right now, chances are your entire family could be at risk of various health issues. Surely, you don’t want that to happen, especially if you got little kids running around the house. If you want to have a safer, cleaner, and healthier home for your family, here are some simple tips to follow:

Reorganize the kitchen


This is where you prepare food for the family, so it only makes sense that it is a healthy kitchen. Start reorganizing your fridge and pantry. As much as possible, keep unhealthy snacks out of sight of your kids. Always place the vegetables, fruits, or other fresh produce in front so you won’t forget to consume them before they go bad.

Also, limit the use of canned foods and plastic bottles as these products typically contain bisphenol A (BPA). This toxic chemical can seep into beverages and food, which can potentially lead to various health concerns. Be sure to keep proper hygiene in the kitchen to minimize risks of foodborne diseases. Keep the surfaces clean and wash hands for 20 seconds before and after cooking. Lastly, utilize different cutting boards and cutlery for vegetables and raw meats to avoid cross-contamination.

Improve air quality

Improving air quality in your home is beneficial for preventing allergy symptoms and asthma flare-ups. One way to do this is to keep the space clean. Regularly clear clutter in your home as it can hold and trap dust that may trigger a reaction. Also, clean your drapes, bedding, or anything that attract allergens. You can use dust mite-proof covers on your mattresses and pillows if possible. If you got rugs and carpets, be sure to vacuum them at least once or twice a week. Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter.

If you are using a forced-air heating system, regularly change your filters to prevent the accumulation of airborne irritants. Simultaneously, bringing in houseplants is also helpful in improving air quality in your house as they release oxygen.

Avoid household toxins

Another important step to creating a safe and healthy home is to minimize household health hazards. Your family’s health would be at risk if you got tons of chemicals and toxins around the house. One simple way to limit your family’s exposure to pollutants is to fix any water damage or plumbing leaks. These can accumulate mold that can irritate a person’s skin, eyes, and even airways and lead to allergic reactions.

If you’re used to having air fresheners, be sure to buy those that do not contain formaldehyde, which is a substance that can cause throat, eyes, and skin irritation. What’s more, avoid using pesticides indoors. Exposure to bug and fungus killers is highly associated with hormonal disruption and neurological health problems.

Don’t skip the pest control

pest control

Common pests such as mosquitoes and ticks can pose serious health threats to your family, which is why getting rid of them should be a top priority too.  But while there are some do-it-yourself treatments when it comes to keeping a pest-free home, it isn’t always enough. To guarantee your home and family’s safety, it’s best to contact a pest or mosquito control professional. They can keep your home safe and deal with pest termination efficiently. Plus, they can ensure that even the hidden source of infestation in your property is attended to.

Be sure to find a reliable pest control expert and schedule regular services throughout the year. Ideally, you should get your house treated once a quarter or every three months. Also, even if there are no visible signs of pest infestation, it is still advisable to have a pest control professional inspect your home regularly.

Give yourself the peace of mind that your family’s health won’t be at risk by creating a cleaner and healthier home for them. Doing so will allow you to maintain good physical health for your family. And the best part? Keeping your home clean can actually help your children develop healthy habits in their own space. Protect the well-being of your loved ones and follow the simple steps above!

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