What Outdoor Activities Can Your Family Engage in During the Pandemic?

family hike

It was on March 11 when the World Health Organization declared the Covid-19 crisis as a pandemic. In a snap, kids are out of school, had to physically distance from their friends, and are stuck indoors 24/7. Here we are months after and some kids are back at school while others are learning from home. Unfortunately, it is not yet 100% safe to allow kids to play with their friends outside as there are still many places reporting new cases each day. Most parents would rather keep their kids indoors a little longer just to be on the safer side.

While there are many indoor and backyard activities you can arrange for your kids, nothing can beat the outdoors. This is especially true if your kids are used to spending quality time with family and friends enjoying different outdoor activities. They deserve to bask in the sunlight, enjoy nature, be able to run around, play their favorite outdoor sports, and experience other activities they can burn their energy with.

Is It Safe to Take the Kids Out During a Pandemic?

With new cases still being reported each day, it is still not yet safe to allow kids to mingle with others. No one knows if their friends and other family members have the virus. But since going outside and engaging in outdoor activities while being surrounded by nature is good for one’s physical and mental health, safety precautions need to be prioritized at all times.

Safety Precautions for an Outdoor Adventure Mid-pandemic

If your kids are really into going outside, make sure to set some ground rules with them especially your older kids. You want everyone to maintain social distancing at all times, keep their face masks on, and to wash their hands or use alcohol or hand sanitizer every now and then. Aside from these precautions, here are other tips worth keeping in mind when taking kids out during a pandemic.

  • Choose an outdoor activity where people don’t need to be physically near each other
  • Tell kids to avoid touching things usually touched by people
  • Avoid going out with people other than the people you live with
  • Take them to a place where health and safety precautions are observed
  • Skip hugs and kisses when meeting family and friends outdoors

Outdoor Activities That Naturally Promote Social Distancing Measures

When taking the kids, make sure to pick activities that are safe and won’t force them to be near other people except for the people they live with. Here are a few outdoor activities you and the family can safely engage in amidst the pandemic.

  • Horseback Riding

Horseback riding can be a fun way to spend the day with the kids. This is especially true if they always wanted to ride a horse. They can learn how to put headstalls on their own horses, learn everything there is to know before their very first horseback ride, and meet gorgeous horses willing to give them a ride.

Horseback riding can help improve one’s balance, posture, and motor coordination. It is a great exercise for the kids that will teach them how to be gentle and emphatic. It can even boost their confidence after they managed to successfully ride a horse.

  • Drive-in Movies

If your family used to go out just to watch new movies in the cinema, why not take them out for drive-in movies? You may have movies at home and can set up a backyard movie date with the kids. But sometimes, it is the fact that one gets to dress up and watch a movie with others that make it much more exciting.

Thanks to the pandemic, drive-in movies made a comeback in many countries and states. There is plenty of social distancing since people are watching from their own vehicles. You get to bring your own favorite snacks and can even consider a drive-in movie date night with family and friends as long as they bring their own car with them.

  • Camping

camping tents

There is nothing more satisfying than getting to camp in nature. So, why not bring your camping tools and gears out and take your kids to a local campground? Some state parks are now open but are restricting access to locals and have strict health and safety rules.

Choose a nearby campground that imposes strict health and safety measures. Confirm reservations before coming and ask about their social distancing guidelines.

  • Take Them Out Hiking

A good hike can be good for your family’s health. If you leave near hiking trails, you can consider taking them out for a short hike. Feed their curiosity by answering their questions.

Don’t forget to pack enough water, snacks, and a first-aid kit, just in case. Make sure the kids are wearing comfortable shoes and clothes. Instead of telling the kids where you are going hiking, simply dress them up and start walking. Avoid calling hiking anything, and they will think of it more as a fun walk in nature than a tiring and boring hike.

Our kids have been on lock down for many months. They deserve more Vitamin D, a little bit of dirt, and a lot of fun. If you have plans to take them out, make sure you always prioritize their health and safety. Be careful when choosing your next outdoor activities and your kids will surely have fun getting the chance to enjoy and good outdoors once again.

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