Sweeping Away Fire Hazards: 3 Ways to Prevent Fires at Home

Fire prevention is a more regular commitment than you might expect. It’s not only when you change the batteries of your smoke alarm or use a safe candleholder that you reduce the risks of it happening. The thoroughness of your household cleaning also contributes to your safety.

Sweeping and dusting have become such menial tasks that you tend to underestimate their importance. The next time you pick up a broom, though, pay attention to how you clean and what you clean. It will help you determine if you’re preventing fire or building up to it.

Do You Check Your Appliances?

It’s hard to imagine life without today’s appliances. And yet many people don’t pay enough attention to make sure they operate well. It’s when you spend the time to clean them that you notice any damage that can start a fire.

A washing machine, for example, could have faulty plastic interiors on the door that releases the detergents. This might lead to water leaking to the internal wires. The same applies to machine parts where lint and debris tend to build up. If you’re unfamiliar with maintenance tasks like dryer vent cleaning, it’s best to contact a professional to do them for you.

This is especially critical in populous cities like St. George, where fires could become challenging to control. Making the inspection and cleaning of your appliances a part of your cleaning routine will spare you from this problem.

Are You Hiding Dust Bunnies?

Some people clean. Others make random back-and-forth motions with dusters and brooms to little effect. The dust that forms in areas you neglect to clean can make fires spread quickly. They also ignite when they’re near any spark.

Make sure to get rid of dust bunnies in your house, especially in places with electrical sockets. Unless you hire help or have the time to clean daily, it can be challenging to commit to this task. To simplify the chore, consider switching to rags, curtains, and furniture that collect less dust. Doing so will reduce not only your fire hazards but also the bacteria and allergens in the air you breathe at home. Use those dusters well to keep safe.

Should You Keep Those Items There?

fire extinguisher

Cleaning isn’t only about the vacuums and the disinfectant sprays. The items you store and the manner you store them also contribute to your safety.

Batteries, in particular, need special attention when it comes to storage. Improper handling can lead them to combust. You might think that keeping batteries in your pocket along coins and paper clips is harmless. Once they come in contact, though, there’s a risk of personal injury. The same happens when you place them in drawers along with other objects, and in a room that gets hot, too. Elevated temperatures cause batteries to leak or rupture.

When not in use, keep them in their original packaging or a battery storage box. If you’re going to use a plastic bag instead, make sure that all the positive ends are facing the same direction. These objects can be fire hazards even after you’ve used them up.

Knowledge is power, even in cleaning. Some everyday activities might cause danger without you realizing it. Paying attention to what you clean, how you clean, and when you clean can mean the difference to your safety.

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