How to Spot the Cause of Your Leaking Roof

Are you noticing some droplets of water from your ceiling every time it rains? Then, there might be some holes on your roof that cause rainwater to leak. But how do you locate this problem before it gets worse?

Apart from missing shingles and granules piling up in the gutters, there are several signs you need to pay attention to so that you can fix your leaking roof before it gets any worse and pay a hefty amount to fix it.

What water spots are trying to tell you

wet ceiling

Leaks can be quite challenging to find, especially since water doesn’t always drop straight down. It tends to travel along with the house’s roof panels before it drips directly onto the insulating layer and the floor or through the wall. But over time, this creates yellowish spots or stains right on your ceiling.

There are times, however, when those water spots aren’t a result of water leaks at all. Experts say open windows, poor plumbing, and even condensation can cause water spots to appear on your ceilings. But if the spots appear to grow darker in color or grow in size during a rainfall, then there’s a great chance that the roof is causing your problem.

Why damages in your shingles can be a problem

If you notice that the shingles in your roof are showing signs of crack, then it’s likely that the granules have worn off.

Whenever the granules get brittle, it’ll become more prone to cracking because of excessive exposure to the sun. Once that happens, you’ll notice that these shingles are worn out, which will then require you to get in touch with residential roofing services in Miami to have them replaced.

But it’s not just the crackings that you need to worry about.

Old and worn out shingles can sometimes begin to curl or when the corners of each shingle turn up. Most of the time, a poorly ventilated attic can be the cause of this problem. That’s because when the temperature in the attic rises, it reaches the roof and heats the shingles, causing them to age prematurely and curl eventually.

How temperature affects your roofs

Roofs are there to protect the house from damages caused by harsh weather conditions and other natural disasters. But there are times when the fluctuating temperature can cause your roofs to get damaged, too.

Although newer roofs have ice-and-water walls carefully installed right along the eaves, old houses don’t have that kind of option. During these times, you need to ensure to keep your attic well insulated to prevent ice dams from forming on the roof.

These are only a few of the things that you need to remember when maintaining your roof. It’s crucial to watch out for these telltale signs when doing your roof maintenance check — and make sure to do this inspection regularly. This way, you can prevent any minor roof issues from getting worse and save money on costly replacements, as well as keep your family and home protected.

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