You Should Play Games And Storytell With Your Child More Often!

father and son reading a book

Children are like sponges for information, and they’ll start soaking in whatever they can from all angles and experiences of their life journey. In fact, their level of curiosity for every little thing that happens around them is what keeps them on their toes and seemingly never out of energy to have a little fun. From playing with their toys to messing with YouTube videos and finding themselves stuck on an hour-long binge of Minecraft and Roblox, the cycle never ends!

However, when it comes to a child’s early education and teaching them from home, parents find it very difficult to get anything done, especially with communication skills. So, today we offer you the advice of playing more games with them and practicing your acting skills because even if it sounds a bit too counterproductive, there’s actually some science behind this logic. And both of you get to benefit from learning and love at the same time.

They’re Kids, And They Like To Have Fun

Firstly, we need to understand that they’re just kids, and as kids are by nature, they will naturally search for things that are fun to do. So, all the stuff that we consider productive, like cleaning around the house or preparing our spreadsheets for tomorrow’s meeting, comes off as boring adult stuff in their eyes. Therefore, you can’t afford to apply the same adult -thinking when trying to teach your kid.

  • Can’t Cram Textbooks As We Can: Years of school will tell you that reading textbooks, writing down notes, and answering quizzes are the only way to learn — but this doesn’t apply to the youngest of learners. In fact, a lot of child care services and preschool programs delve more on the fun side as opposed to the largely academic notions. So, don’t try to hardwire your kid into strict definitions and concepts because that just won’t click with them.
  • If It’s Not Interesting, You Risk A Tantrum: Most importantly, if you do try to hammer down something that doesn’t appeal to them, you’re risking a major tantrum on your hands! You see, kids can react out of hand from the smallest of things and details, and if you clobber them with stuff that’s uninteresting for the age, don’t expect them to take it lightly.

Why Games & Storytelling?

playing with kids

In order to work around the limitations of a child’s mind and interests, we want to repurpose our way of teaching through something fun like games & storytelling. In contrast to their playful nature, if you sprinkle in some good information and lessons in between all the fun, kids will take note of this and will learn from it. So, you get to teach them and have a good laugh at the same time.

  • Interactive And Engaging: Unlike your typical learning session where you guide your child through a playful textbook, getting them to move around and learn is far more interactive and engaging. So, you’re more likely to keep their attention and help them understand new concepts when you incorporate a bit of play to study.
  • Indirectly Develops Communication Skills: Lastly, depending on the type of games you play or the stories both of you will be acting out, these can indirectly develop communication skills in a more practical manner. Remember, communication skills come from experience with speaking, and there’s only so much reading from a planned textbook can do!

#1 Screenplay Their Favorite Storybook

Number one, a great place to start training your child’s communication skills is screen playing their favorite storybook. Nothing’s more fun than getting to play dress-up, practicing their lines, and portraying a character from their favorite story. And, apart from improving their general communication skills, you might also stumble upon their love for acting as well. Furthermore, we strongly recommend taking a video of your performance, so they can relive the experience again and again.

#2 Blindfold Obstacle Course

Number two, if you’re not so keen on brushing up with your acting skills and preparing props, playing a blindfold obstacle course is equally as effective at teaching your kid communication skills. As the name suggests, one of you will be blindfolded, and it’s up to the other player to guide them with directions throughout the obstacle course. Of course, you want to be as safe as possible, so stick with pillow forts and things that won’t do any harm to the both of you.

#3 Draw And Tell

Lastly, if you’ve got a couple of art materials and crayons just lying around, then why not play drawn and tell? Children love getting to show off their creations, and letting them tell you all about it will give them excellent narrative communication skills. We recommend playing the game by themes such as outer space, nature, and the like to actively imagine different things.

Last Tip: Value Feelings And Show Praise

Overall, just remember that all these games and advice are but the tip of the iceberg, and if you know any other way to incorporate fun like cooking with your child or playing out in the backyard, then you can do whatever fits your style! Just don’t forget to value their feelings and show praise for their actions every step of the way so that you reinforce all the knowledge they gain after every game.

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