A First-time Job Seeker’s Guide to Looking for Opportunities

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Applying for a job is one of the most challenging ordeals for anyone. There are more rejections than good news. And at times, it can be discouraging when you’ve faced a lot of rejections. No one has the formula for successfully getting into your dream job. But there are reasons why some fail their application process.

There are a lot of things that need to be considered. Even someone who earned their degrees might not be able to get the hang of job hunting right away. It’s not about where you graduated from, what your credentials are, sometimes there are just rookie mistakes that people commit. Do not fall victim to these mistakes.

Job Hunting: What You Should Know

In the time of the pandemic, looking for a job is even more difficult. That’s why having the edge over your competitors is a must. The starting point must be on your resume. The resume is the most important document during the application process; it is apparent to be focused on that. In one glance, it should be able to tell who you are and what are your strengths and competencies. It is important to tailor-fit your resumes to the kind of job you are applying to. Besides your educational background, it is important to emphasise your skills, the projects you handled, and even your leadership skills. Gaining experience is difficult, especially if you are a new graduate trying to make your way into the world.

In place of that, add your volunteer work and community involvement. Employers like to see how an applicant is involved in the community. Academic is excellence is an edge, yes, but it might be detrimental for an applicant who is not as involved with community work. But an applicant with engagement in the community showcases that the applicant is passionate and loves to explore outside the confines of their academic endeavours.

job interview

Building your resume takes time. Investing in activities, seminars, and training may be difficult and challenging, but it can be beneficial in the long run. Take advantage of free training that is easy to be a part of. Make sure that you get to as many training and seminar as you can. But do not just attend training just because you can; select those related to the career you like to pursue in the future. For example, if you are a budding journalist-to-be, it is best to attend writing workshops. Hone your writing skills by taking in as much knowledge from other writers. That will be the backbone of your resume and what will add an edge in your journey as a starting journalist.

What is equally important is having the certification for these seminars that you’ve attended. Not all training gives this kind of certification. In professions like teaching, certification gives you that added edge. It is also beneficial when you want to build your credentials, especially if it accounts for your future promotions. As such, make sure that the training that you attend gives out certifications. There a lot of training and courses that give out certifications, such as RPL courses. Besides that, you are assured that their training and courses are legitimate and can truly add to your professional portfolio.

Government’s Role in Job Seeking

Aside from seminars and training, there are also government-funded courses that you may want to avail yourself of. These kinds of programs are skills-based that range from construction, building safety, online training, even business and apprenticeship training. This is an opportunity for people to add skills set that they might not have necessarily learned in school or something that they were not given a chance to learn because of various reasons.

Government programs like this are bridging the gap in terms of the competition that first job seekers have. Some people indeed have a better edge over others, but it is a chance for the government to alleviate these conditions and help those underprivileged.

The government also plays a crucial part in enacting laws that safeguard equal opportunities be given to everyone regardless of their background, such as closing the gender gap in workplaces. As policymakers, the government is responsible for ensuring that everyone has the chance on an equal footing.

For first-time job seekers, knowing these things may be a lot to take. Rest assured that your journey is not in vain. Communities and governments are all working hand in hand to ensure that you land your dream job. Give everything time, and you’ll get there.

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