Create a Statement: Making Your Living Room Much More Elegant

bright living room with AC unit

Next to your home’s façade, the living room is one of the areas in your house that help create an impression. This is why a lot of people are investing money and time in making sure that their sitting or living room looks beautiful and inviting. Some people attempt to do it, but they often go overboard—peppering their space with needless decorations and furnishings. Your goal here is to make your home beautiful and comfortable at the same time. Real elegance always lies in the fact that a space can imbibe both form and function.

Maybe you had numerous attempts in the past to make your living room much more elegant. But during those times, you felt that your efforts failed. For you to succeed in this endeavour, you might want to start with the keyword first. You have to define what elegance means to you. This is important as beauty and aesthetics are subjective. Once you have defined it for yourself, you will then need to plot how to achieve that. Nevertheless, there are some major guidelines that you will need to follow if you really want to make your home much more elegant and functional:

Keep it simple

The first rule of making elegant homes is to keep things simple. Some people have this idea that when a space has a lot of displays and knick-knacks, it is actually an elegant place. This is something that you should not always believe in, knowing that overdecorating will thwart the function of your space. It will provide you and your guests with lots of distractions. Hold your horses when it comes to decorating. Do not just put things without thinking about the deed twice. After all, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

living room with a fireplace

Make your furnishings your centrepieces

Your guests’ vision will always need a place where it can rest. This is why focal points are important in interior design. Displays, such as paintings and installations, make good focal points. But do you know that you can also turn your furniture into one? This is why you need to invest in an attractive ottoman chaise, for instance.

Incorporate art

When you have kept things simple, you are making more room for things that really matter. One way of ensuring the elegance and appeal of your space is by incorporating artistic pieces. For one, you may use large panel paintings as focal points. Sculptures and installations also make good displays. But be careful when introducing art pieces. See to it that they are in line with the home’s overarching theme. For one, if you have a minimalistic home, a baroque painting with ornate framing may feel out of place. You will also need to understand how to take care of art.

Making your home much more elegant than it already is may be hard work. But that is okay, especially if the reward is a comfortable space. There will always be ways to make things much easier. This is especially true when you seek inspiration and work with reliable interior designers and contractors.

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