Things You Should Know if Your Child Has Mobility Issues

child with disability
  • Causes of mobility issues in children can include congenital disabilities, degenerative diseases, injuries/trauma, developmental disorders, and infectious diseases.
  • Mobility aids such as wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, and braces can help children navigate the world more easily.
  • Physical therapy can help improve strength, balance, and coordination in children with mobility issues.
  • Building a support network can provide essential guidance and resources to navigate the challenges of mobility issues.
  • In some cases, joint replacement surgery may be an option for children with severe mobility issues.

As a parent, it can be challenging to watch your child struggle with mobility issues. It’s essential to understand what you can do to help your child overcome these challenges. In this blog, you will learn a few things every parent should know about mobility issues in children. From understanding the causes of mobility issues to finding solutions, this blog will provide you with some insight and support.

Causes of mobility issues

There are a variety of factors that can contribute to mobility issues in children. These can include the following:

Congenital disabilities

Congenital disabilities can affect the body’s development and lead to mobility issues. These disabilities are often present at birth, although they may not be diagnosed until later in life. Congenital disabilities can include cerebral palsy, spina bifida, and muscular dystrophy.

Degenerative diseases

Degenerative diseases can cause progressive mobility problems as the disease progresses. These illnesses can include conditions such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease.

Injuries or trauma

Accidents or traumatic experiences can also lead to mobility issues in children. These injuries can range from broken bones and muscle strains to spinal cord injuries or amputations. These injuries can be caused by physical activity or sports, falls, motor vehicle accidents, and more.

Developmental disorders

Development delays can also cause mobility issues in children. These developmental delays can include autism spectrum disorder, Down syndrome, and cerebral palsy. Developmental disorders can cause a child to have difficulty with coordination, balance, and muscle strength.

Infectious diseases

Viral and bacterial infections can cause inflammation, resulting in joint pain and limited mobility. Common infectious diseases that can affect mobility include meningitis, Lyme disease, and measles.

It’s essential to get a proper diagnosis and understand the underlying cause of your child’s mobility issues in order to find the proper treatment.

Types of mobility aids


There are a variety of mobility aids that can help your child navigate the world more easily. These can include wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, and braces. With the right mobility aid, your child can gain more independence and participate in activities with their peers. Additionally, some mobility aids, such as wheelchairs and walkers, can be customized to fit your child’s individual needs.

Physical therapy

Physical therapy can be a vital part of your child’s treatment plan. A physical therapist can help your child improve their strength, balance, and coordination. They can also provide guidance on exercises and stretches your child can do at home. Additionally, physical therapy can help your child learn how to use their mobility aids safely and effectively.

Support networks

It’s essential to build a support network of providers, friends, and family members who can help you and your child navigate the challenges of mobility issues. Seek out organizations and support groups that can connect you with other families who are facing similar challenges. Additionally, you may be able to find resources and support services that can help with practical issues such as financial assistance and housing.

Joint replacement surgery

Running girl

In some cases, joint replacement surgery may be an option for children with severe mobility issues. This type of procedure can help improve strength and range of motion in the affected area, which can lead to improved function.

Just make sure you seek out experienced and reliable surgeons that specialize in joint replacement surgery for children. They should also be able to discuss any potential complications and risks with you thoroughly before the procedure.


As a parent, it’s important to advocate for your child’s needs. This can include working with your child’s school to ensure they have accommodations, advocating for accessibility in public spaces, and educating others about your child’s needs. You can even join nonprofits and organizations dedicated to promoting the rights of individuals with disabilities.

Mobility issues can be difficult for children and their families to manage, but there are resources available to help. From understanding the causes of mobility issues to finding solutions such as physical therapy and joint replacement surgery, parents should take time to explore all options. With these tips in mind, we hope you find what works best for your family during this challenging time.

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