
job seeker

A First-time Job Seeker’s Guide to Looking for Opportunities

Applying for a job is one of the most challenging ordeals for anyone. There are more rejections than good news. And at times, it can be discouraging when you’ve faced a lot of rejections. No one has the formula for successfully getting into your dream job. But there are reasons why some fail their application

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father and son reading a book

You Should Play Games And Storytell With Your Child More Often!

Children are like sponges for information, and they’ll start soaking in whatever they can from all angles and experiences of their life journey. In fact, their level of curiosity for every little thing that happens around them is what keeps them on their toes and seemingly never out of energy to have a little fun.

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woman home schooling kids

Home Schooling: Is it Right for Your Family?

Parents who choose to home school their children are generally more concerned about the quality of education their children receive. There are many academic benefits of homeschooling, and combined with the flexibility and opportunities that homeschooling offers, it can be a better option to ensure your child’s future. Homeschooling can also assist you in developing a better lifestyle

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child learning

Learning How to Read: The Role of Parents in Child Learning

Reading is one of the most important skills a person may find useful for their entire life. In this society where literacy is the key to success, learning to read becomes a fundamental part of a child’s life. But literacy doesn’t begin only when a child starts attending school. Unfortunately, many parents tend to forget

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reading a book

Keep Yourself Busy but Mentally Healthy with These Hobbies

Having a hobby is important. But in the time we are in, people are always on a hustle. They juggle several gigs a week that they no longer have the time to pause and do something else. And this can be damaging. Overworking can lead to a lack of sleep and fatigue, resulting in being

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young boy cheering books

Parents Know Best: the Shift to Virtual Schooling

The teaching profession isn’t for everyone but many parents nowadays. They have no other choice but to be a teacher to their kids. This arrangement is brought about by the ongoing global pandemic that has forced kids to stay home and learn their lessons with their parents. Instead of going to school with their peers,

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kid in bed

Battling Childhood Insomnia: What Parents Can Do at Home

You’d think that insomnia is a problem solely for teens and adults, but children can suffer from this sleep condition, too. Insomnia is the difficulty or inability to fall and stay asleep at night, causing sufferers to miss out on the restorative benefits of good sleep. This issue may be temporary, especially when your child

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man on a rock

How You Can Teach Your Teenage Kids About Money

As per a survey, seventy-five percent of kids wished that their parents taught them about money. Why? Because most schools do not teach financial management, even at the high school level. This leads to many kids being clueless and lost when it comes to money. It even affects their financial management at later stages of

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child reading a book

Remote Learning: Making Your Children’s Lives Comfortable

Another year rolls in with COVID-19 still in our midst but with a promising hope that this pandemic will disappear with the worldwide, though limited, availability of vaccines. This gives hope that school will reopen and people will be back to work early this year. Furthermore, POTUS Biden pledged to reopen by the 30th of

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print media

The Importance of Print Media in the Time of E-books

E-books over physical prints. Digital textbooks over hard copies. Online news articles over broadsheets. Digital magazine subscriptions over printed issues in the mail. These are just some of the many changes in publishing and journalism that have occurred since the rise of digital media. Since having access to smartphones, laptops, and tablets is becoming more

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