
What is botulinum toxin and will it work for me??

Botox Kent has just become another part of normal life. It is interesting to think that this treatment has only been around since the 80s, but why is it here and could this treatment really help you? It all started as a treatment for a very painful condition called cervical dystonia, where neck spasms would

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marketing dental products

The Advantages of Dental Marketing

To help keep up with the times and and continue to attract new patients, it is important to have a good dental marketing system in place for your practice. This will keep your team busy and your staff motivated and make the most of your profession by enabling you to carry on maintaining and creating

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invisible braces

Dental marketing which works 24-hours a day, 7-days a week

The last couple of decades have seen a complete change in how dental marketing is carried out and it is common knowledge that online marketing is now the most important tool in marketing your business. Dental practices are available up and down the country with multiple practices in one town or village and a dental

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What is orthodontics?

Orthodontics is a specialist form of dentistry that is performed by orthodontists and deals with the alignment of crooked or misshapen teeth. A lot of people do not like their teeth because they are uneven and crooked or misshapen. This can have a negative impact on social and mental well-being especially amongst younger people. Orthodontics

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Don’t Let the Bugs Bite the Ear!

Imagine your child gaily exploring the woods or sleeping soundly in her bed only to come running to you because something is wriggling inside her ears. Then, you realize, to your horror, that possibly a bug has found its way there. What do you do? Should you get it yourself or visit the doctor? Can

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woman gardening

Here’s Why Gardens Are Great for Kids

Spring is coming in Australia, making it one of the best seasons to go back to tending the garden or even improving its curb appeal. Green Oasis Landscaping, one of the premier landscaping experts, can provide plenty of help in residential landscaping, decking, paving, and reticulation. It can also assist homes in designing garden beds for

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What are the advantages to dental veneers?

Here are the top 5 from dental teams! When you think of cosmetic dental care, you may assume that it is all simply about improving how someone’s smile looks. And while that is a key feature of it, there are many cosmetic procedures that are also used to restore or aid in the relief of

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What is a discreet solution to misaligned teeth?

Many individuals are looking for a suitable treatment to help restructure their teeth. Due to this, there are many different types of dental processes available to help correct misaligned teeth. Many patients are opting for a more discreet choice and lingual braces benefit patients who wish to have no association with traditional metal braces. Misaligned teeth

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at the airport

Jet-setting with Scoliosis: Alleviate Pain While Traveling

Traveling is a unique experience that everyone needs to try at least once in their life, whether local or international. It allows you to meet new people, try different cuisines, and create memorable experiences. However, one of the most exhausting parts of travel is the journey. Getting to your destination involves a lot of waiting

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family brushing their teeth

Personal Hygiene That Should Be Taught in School and at Home

Our children’s education begins at home. Their first teachers are always the parents, and whatever they learn will be expanded on in school. But one of the most important things they will ever learn is the importance of personal hygiene. While it is embedded in the educational system, it is still very much recommended to

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