Why Should You Nurture the Musical Talents in Your Children?

Close up of guitar

You probably know all about how letting babies listen to Mozart makes them smarter. Although this theory is not only inaccurate but also dead wrong, music undoubtedly affects the mind. Listening to music can affect your mood and behavior, like when listening to a particular song, makes you happy. But the real benefits come from learning how to play a musical instrument.

Your children can reap many benefits if you nurture their musical talents, especially from an early age. The following are some major intellectual and mental benefits learning to play musical instruments can bestow on your kids.

  1. Music Makes the Brain Better

Enrolling your child for piano lessons in Tampa or violin lessons in San Francisco can alter the very structure of your child’s brain. Researchers found that learning music coaxes the brain to develop in better ways. A study out by a psychology professor and a neurology professor discovered that the changes in neurological structures could be an apparent event in children who’ve been taking music lessons once a week for 15 months.

According to the study, children who have taken music lessons can distinguish sounds better and are more adept at tasks involving fine motor skills. Their brain structures have developed to accommodate for these skills.

  1. Music Improves Testing Scores

Learning music also has tangible benefits for your child’s academic performance. First, schools that encourage musical lessons and similar efforts are more likely to have high-quality educators. However, the benefits of taking music lessons transcend socioeconomic divides in school quality.

A study conducted by a professor at the University of Kansas found out that elementary school students who have had a musical education performed much better in standardized tests. According to the research, these students scored 22 percent more in English tests and 20 percent better in standardized math tests.

  1. Music Boosts Confidence

Little girl playing piano

Music lessons aren’t meant to keep your child playing their instruments by themselves. They are steppingstones to performing in front of an audience. Their proficiency with a musical instrument will give them the confidence to engage in public performance, which can do wonders for their social skills. The confidence they’ll gain thanks to their music lessons can easily transfer to other talents, such as public speaking. Also, if they should join a chorale, a band, or an orchestra, they can form new and supportive connections that can also help them grow out of their shells.

  1. Music is Emotionally Healthy

Playing an instrument is a wonderful vehicle for self-expression, whether its vibrant guitar solos, intense drumbeats, or mournful violin sonatas. Music helps your child explore not just their passions, but to vocalize their emotions. Using their musical talent as an outlet for their feelings can do wonders for their emotional health, rather than bottle it up inside.

Music is one of the most complex and emotional forces in the world. The right words with the right notes can unlock any emotion, from joy to sorrow, when performed by a talented person. Under the proper tutelage, music can unlock your child’s full potential and allow them to be the best version of themselves.

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