Tackling a Runner’s Common Mistakes

runner in start position

Running is one of the easiest sports to engage in. It does not need much equipment. It also has many health benefits. But, like any other sport, there are common mistakes that a runner may commit.

Having the Wrong Shoes

This aspect is often taken for granted by amateurs and even some professionals. Amateurs tend to think that any pair of sneakers will do, while professionals play favorites and may wear the same pair too often. Wrong or worn shoes may lead to different foot injuries. In some cases, a runner may need podiatry treatments such as for heel pain. Running shoes affect the movement of a runner’s feet. The wrong pair will impede proper movement of the foot. There are telltale signs of an ill-fitting pair of running shoes. A good runner must be mindful of them. The advised lifespan of a pair of sneakers is for 300-350 miles before it needs replacement. Make sure you have the perfect fit and alternate between two pairs.

Practicing Improper Breathing

When one is on the go, there is a tendency to forget to regulate their breathing. The tendency is to exhale more than to inhale. Shallow breaths can lead to exhaustion. In worst-case scenarios, side stitches may ensue. For beginners, the key is not to overdo it. Run at a manageable pace. Counting your steps as you breathe is a good way to manage your rhythm. Practice deep breathing always. Breathing through the mouth and from the diaphragm will give you more oxygen. A good flow of air is not only important to sustain you. It helps your muscles to keep working, too. When you feel you are running out of air, take a break and re-evaluate.

Not Hydrating Well

portrait of young sporty woman drinking isotonic drink at street

Running causes a person to perspire a lot. The lost fluid in the body should be adequately replenished. But, there are many factors a runner sometimes does not hydrate properly. Some are afraid that their running time might be affected by bathroom breaks. Others do not want to feel full or bloated when they run. Those who are already on the go do not want the inconvenience of stopping for a water break. All these are harmful habits. Dehydration leads to many problems like fatigue, dizziness, heatstroke and muscle cramping. These conditions are detrimental both to your running performance and general health. Listen to your body when it is thirsty. As a general rule, one must drink 4 to 6 ounces every 20 minutes. Drink up to keep your body going.

Having Wrong Posture

A runner’s body must be properly poised for optimal performance. Running is not only about alternately putting one foot before the other. Neither is it just about pumping your leg muscles to work. A runner uses their whole body when running. The back is one vital part that experiences pain when a runner runs with the wrong posture. When you run with your head ahead of your body, you are likely to experience upper back pain. Slouching can lead to lower back pain as well as neck and shoulder discomfort. Maintain proper running posture to cut back pain and muscle soreness. Running comes with some physical aches. That is normal. But, you must protect your body from unnecessary pain.

Safe running requires good technique, strength and self-awareness. A good runner must always check if what they are doing is beneficial or detrimental to their performance. Proper care of the body translates to excellence.

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