Summer Gardening Woes: Taking Care of Your Hair and Skin


It seems like the entire country has been at a standstill since the coronavirus outbreak in March. People are finally adjusting to the new normal of social distancing and self-quarantine. But because the situation is being handled decently, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has eased some of those lockdown measures.

Restaurants, pubs, and hairdressers in England can finally reopen from 4th July. Accommodation sites have started opening again, too, so staycations within England are a go. Meanwhile, any two households can meet up in any indoor and outdoor setting as long as they’re observing social distancing measures.

Despite the infection rate gradually declining and the lockdown measures slowly being lifted, you must remain cautious about social distancing. Instead of going out and interacting with more people than is necessary, now’s a good time to focus on the summer blooms in your garden.

Gardening is an excellent way to release stress and anxiety, but it can also be the cause of some self-care woes, especially during summer. Exposure to sun and heat can damage your hair and skin.

Take note of these summer gardening tips that keep your hair and skin healthy.

Experiment with hair and skincare products until you find the right one.

The first thing you can do to adjust to the summer weather, or if you notice your hair and skin being drier than usual, is to switch up the hair and skincare products you can use. For example, you can experiment with different Davines OI haircare products to find one that’s most suitable for your hair texture. You can also try testers of different lotions to see which works best for you.

You can take in suggestions from friends, but ultimately, you would know which are the best products to keep your hair shiny and your skin soft. And of course, always wear sunscreen.

Woman planting

Cover up to protect your skin and prevent injuries and allergies.

Another way you can protect yourself from the heat as well as from other environmental factors in the garden is by covering up. Wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect your hair and provide shade for your face. Dress up in trousers and long-sleeved shirts to protect your skin from thorns that might cause scratches, injuries, or allergies. Finally, use gardening gloves to keep your hands clean.

It’s especially important to cover up when you’re tending to new or unfamiliar plants. Their sap, thorns, or pollen might trigger an allergic reaction, so it’s best to minimise skin contact with them.

Get inspired by personal health and safety measures for the pandemic.

When the coronavirus outbreak occurred, people were advised to avoid touching their face and to disinfect thoroughly after being out for errands. That is something to adopt for your gardening routine. Avoid touching your face with hands that were on the soil. Then, immediately shower after you’re done tending to the plants to rinse off all garden-related dirt from your body.

Keep these things in mind, and you won’t have a problem tending to your plants and flowers. You’ll still look great and feel even better even after taking advantage of the sun and gardening all day.

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