Resources & Unconventional Ways for Starting A Family

young family with boy and girl running

• Adoption and foster care are traditional ways of growing a family, with different types such as domestic and international adoption, relative adoption, and kinship care. 

• Fertility treatments, including in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and intrauterine insemination (IUI), offer an alternative path to conception. 

• Donor options such as donor eggs, sperm, or embryos can also be used to start a family. 

• Co-parenting is an unconventional option involving two people coming together and raising children equally and amicably without any legal ties. 

Starting a family is an exciting journey but can also be overwhelming. However, despite the financial stresses and emotional adjustments that come with having a child, there are a lot of resources out there to help you make your family-building dreams a reality. From traditional sources to more unconventional options—it’s important to understand all the available paths forward so you can make the right choice for your family. Here’s a breakdown.

Adoption & Foster Care

Adopting a child is often considered one of the most traditional ways of growing your family. Adoption involves bringing home a child who is not biologically related to you as their parent. Meanwhile, foster care is a system in which a child lives with one or more adults, often temporarily. Here are some types under these two:

Domestic & International Adoption

Domestic adoption involves the adoption of a child born in the same country as the adoptive parent(s). On the other hand, international adoption refers to an arrangement in which an individual or family from one country adopts a child born in another country.

Each type of adoption has its own set of requirements and regulations that must be met, so it’s important to do your research and fully understand the process.

Relative Adoption

Relative adoption occurs when a child is adopted by a family member, such as an aunt or uncle, grandparent, step-parent, or godparent. This type of adoption has its own set of legal requirements and paperwork that must be completed.

It’s important to note that state laws vary when it comes to relative adoptions—so be sure to do your research and talk to an experienced lawyer before beginning the process.

Foster Care

As mentioned above, foster care is a system in which an adult provides temporary living arrangements for a child. Often, this involves becoming the child’s legal guardian until they are either adopted or age out of the system.

It’s important to note that the goal of foster care is almost always reunification with the birth family, so it’s essential to understand this before taking the plunge. Looking for reliable foster care financial support is also advisable if you plan to pursue this route. This can involve grants, scholarships, and other types of assistance to help make the transition smoother.

Kinship Care

Kinship care is a type of foster care in which the child’s extended family or another trusted individual becomes the primary caregiver. This can be used for both short-term and long-term placements and often involves providing financial support to the family and legal assistance with custody arrangements.

It’s important to remember that kinship care is not an adoption, but it can be a great option for family members looking to provide a safe and secure home for their relatives.

young boy smiling with motherly figure holding his shoulders from behind

Fertility Treatment

Fertility treatments are becoming increasingly popular for couples looking to conceive naturally or with assistance from medical professionals. If you’re struggling with infertility issues or would like some extra support during conception, here are some options:

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

IVF is one of the most common and successful fertility treatments available. This process involves extracting eggs from the mother, combining them with sperm in a laboratory setting, and then transferring the fertilized eggs back into the woman’s uterus.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

IUI is a simpler and less expensive treatment than IVF. This involves placing sperm directly into the uterus, bypassing the egg fertilization process. IUI can be used with donor sperm or your partner’s sperm, depending on what works best for you.

Donor Options

Using donor eggs, sperm, or embryos is another option for starting a family. This type of fertility treatment involves using sperm, eggs, or embryos from donors who have agreed to donate them for use in conception.

When choosing donor options, it’s important to understand all the legal and ethical implications involved. Be sure to do your research and talk to your doctor and a lawyer before making any decisions.

two hands overlapping holding small heart representing donor options


Co-parenting is becoming more popular among couples who want children without having to go through traditional means of conception or adoption. Co-parenting involves two people coming together legally as part of an agreement that outlines how they will raise their child(ren) together equally and amicably without any legal ties between them (i.e., no marriage). 

This type of arrangement works best when both parties have similar values and intentions when it comes to parenting their children together. For starters, it’s important to discuss topics such as financial contributions, parenting roles and responsibilities, education, and religious/cultural beliefs.

It’s important for both parties involved in this type of arrangement to be honest about expectations, so everyone knows what they are getting into before making any commitments. It’s also advisable to have a lawyer look over the agreement to make sure that everything is properly documented.

No matter which path you choose, it’s important to remember that starting a family on your own terms takes time, patience, and effort. But with the right resources and support network in place, you can achieve your dreams of becoming a parent and creating a beautiful life for your family.

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