Six Tips for Planning Intimate Holiday Gatherings

Family gathering

Although intimate holiday gatherings are smaller, they’re usually the best types of parties as you get to spend time with the closest people to you, celebrating good times and lasting bonds. While planning intimate get-togethers don’t require as much work as big parties, that shouldn’t keep you from planning to pull together a memorable event for everyone.

Here are some tips to consider for your next event to help make your gatherings flawless and guarantee a fun time.

Make a List and Stick To It

No matter the size of the get-together you’re planning for, you need to stay organized to make sure things go smoothly. A great way to stay organized is by making a ‘master list’ and sticking to it until the event. From ensuring your kitchen is ready for cooking by installing a new stone countertop to buying the smallest essentials like paper napkins—having a list will keep you on track with what needs to be done and avoid bumping into issues last minute.

Create a Menu

One of the best things about hosting intimate get-togethers is the opportunity to try making new delicious meals and make a creative menu than you would when cooking for a larger group. That’s because it gives you more time and budget to cook up some great dishes everyone can indulge in during the holidays. You can make the menu as formal or as casual you’d like.

However, a versatile item you should always include on your menu is a charcuterie (delicatessen) board. It’s a perfect mix of salty, sweet, and savory options that can satisfy all taste buds.

Pick the Date and Time Wisely

When you’re checking off your list and have made a decent menu, you now need to ensure all your loved ones would be able to attend the gathering. To do this, you need to pick a convenient date and time for everyone. Since you’ll be doing this during the holiday season, it’s best to hold it during the weekend, so everyone’s available. Besides the date, you also need to ensure what time your family or friends are available to avoid late party-goers to miss out on great food and fun times.

Communicate with Guests

After prepping the schedule, menu, and the things needed for the event, you’ll need to ensure your guests are up-to-date on what’s happening and if you expect anything from them. For instance, if you decided to go with a potluck-themed party, inform them at least a couple of days before, not the night before.

Keep it Simple

When decorating your home for small intimate gatherings, keep it simple to not overcomplicate the process and leave you with more stress than before. You can add in a few snowmen on your dining room table and set up a Christmas tree to make your home more inviting and not overwhelming. Strategically placing these simple decorations can provide your get-together with the right atmosphere, bringing joy to the space.

Prepare Fun Group Activities for People of All Ages


Finally, add more fun into your intimate gatherings by organizing games and friendly competitions with your loved ones, encouraging everyone to get involved and interact with one another. Having guessing games, dance contests, and even simple board games will more likely keep everyone of all ages entertained.

Big parties are out, and smaller gatherings are in—and nothing beats celebrating the holidays with those who matter the most to you. Incorporate the tips mentioned in your plan, and you’ll be hosting a memorable event that makes the holidays season extra special.


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