Postpartum Wound Healing: What You Need To Know

sad woman

Many mothers are excited and also anxious about the prospect of giving birth. Although being pregnant and going through various changes throughout the span of 9 months might be a beautiful process, it’s also a pivotal part of a woman’s life that will begin a life-long journey of a new family.

Although many individuals and would-be parents can easily find a lot of information about prenatal care from the internet, many medical sites don’t necessarily put a lot of emphasis on postpartum care. That said, it’s no surprise that some women might not know what they should be doing right after giving birth. Although prenatal care is important in ensuring that the baby’s health is in good condition, it’s still important to remember that the mother’s health after giving birth should also be given equal importance.

As such, we will discuss important do’s and don’ts that mothers need to know, especially when certain types of postpartum conditions can cause various drastic changes to the body.

Prenatal and Postpartum Care

But before we get into some important practices that most mothers can do, we must look into some of the crucial changes that women make throughout much of the pregnancy. In general, pregnancy will last through 9 months. During these 9 months, women can expect many physical changes.

This can come in many forms, including weight gain, drastic changes in the mood, and stretch marks due to physical changes in the body. Throughout the period of pregnancy, these women need to see doctors for comprehensive check-ups. This is a good way of ensuring that the baby is healthy, even until delivery.

After the delivery process, which is usually known as the post-partum period, women who have just given birth need to start relaxing and are given room to breathe. For many women, the process of giving birth can be physically and mentally exhausting. Not only will women have to experience an arduous and long labor process, but they will also feel tired after giving birth.

So what are some important changes to the body right after giving birth? Here’s what you need to know.

Post-partum Wounds and Bleeding

First and foremost, one of the most important changes to the body right after giving birth is post-partum bleeding and wounds, which usually develop while giving birth.

After giving birth, the patient won’t be able to experience periods for around 1 – 2 months. At the same time, most women will also experience bleeding through their reproductive system several days after the delivery process. This is normal when the woman s getting a normal vaginal delivery or through a C-section delivery.

It’s important to note that vaginal recovery will take a good amount of time. Most women won’t get back to their “normal” selves again until a few months have passed. Although most would say that the natural recovery process will usually last around 6 – 8 weeks until it’s now in good condition.

If the individual is experiencing serious and severe wounds, it’s best to see a well-versed doctor in this field of study. Some services are specifically catered towards post-partum care. Fortunately, women won’t have to look anywhere else since they can consult laser therapy clinics known for helping expedite the process of recovery.


Altered Mood

Other than physical aspects and changes, many women will also experience an altered mental state after the delivery process. A good percentage of mothers have experienced postpartum depression. This is usually characterized by feeling sad for a couple of days, sometimes even weeks, right after the delivery process. The good news here is that the good majority of mothers won’t necessarily need treatments.

However, many studies suggest that those with post-partum depression will usually have a history of mental illness. That said, this will require attention from psychologists.

Weight Loss

Many mothers will usually look forward to the day they finally lose some weight, especially after delivering the baby. Most mothers expect to lose around 10 – 15 pounds of weight after delivering the baby. But after days, you can also start expecting your body to remove a bit of weight related to liquids in the body.

The bottom line? It’s important to note that not every mother will experience these changes, and each person will have a unique way of reacting to changes in the body. If certain symptoms persist past the average time of recovery, you might want to consult an OB-GYN regarding this situation.

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