Moving Forward: Shifting to Digital

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2020 was one of the worst years ever for almost every aspect of life. One of the worst-hit demographic was the average American family. An average family in the United States consists of three people, at least. That group consists of the father, the mother, and the child. All of those three people are taken out of the normalcy of their lives during the pandemic. All were forced to move their work and their education back at home.

Adults had a hard time adjusting to the work from home scenario. The lockdowns were so abrupt that most companies were forced to go online without any prior experience. Even those with limited computer knowledge had to learn on the fly in order to keep afloat. Worse, other businesses just had to close down instead due to lack of cash flow and the general scenario of the new normal — keeping away from each other.

While all can experience depression and anxiety while away from people, the most affected by the pandemic in terms of social growth are the children. Children need some sort of socialization with their peers in order to develop into functioning adults. Through socialization, societal roles are learned. Different contexts of society are explored and their agency is willed into action. It also gives them independence and societal empowerment.

All that knowledge and experience is thrown down the drain because of the excessive lockdowns experienced by many. Even if restrictions were eased in some states, social distancing rules were strictly enforced. Worse, everyone is still expected to wear masks moving forward. Even hints of facial expressions were removed from the equation.

Moving forward, we must accept that we all have to adjust to doing things remotely. It is what it is. Pandemics may or may not happen in the near future as climate change and global warming mount up. As we try to maintain some sort of normalcy in our lives, we must also think about continuing our education constantly. Education is still one of the most important and easily accessible aspects of our lives. In the face of adversity, we must move forward and learn.

As the inoculation process is now underway, one should ask, how do we move forward from now on?


Similar to other people, we must be able to accept that this is the way things should go. Acceptance is key to whatever knowledge you want to earn. Like face-to-face education, acceptance is also applicable with regard to online education. The same is also similar for doing work from home. Admittedly, it is different to learn in a classroom or a library compared to home life. It can also be different for someone who really likes going to the office. Some people remark the school to be a sacred ground with the perfect fit for learning. One must accept that things have changed. We are now living in the new normal.

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Physical Adjustment

Adjusting to the physical requirements of going digital can be the hardest aspect of going digital. Most of the necessary tools to adjust to digital life can be expensive. Objects such as a computer or a working laptop are necessary for basic online communication. For professionals, even a higher specification personal computers or laptop is needed. Also, the basic need of the internet is necessary. Adjusting to these needs might be costly, but it is a good investment. You’ll never know when will be the next time you might need it.


You should always plan your day around the confines of your home with the mentality that the world intends to continue spinning on. Basic skills should always be taught and practiced while inside the home. For example, your children should always get the necessary non-toxic societal interaction he or she needs in order to develop further their communication skills.

While societal skills may be incomplete, at least it is a step in the right direction. Essential skills should never be ignored. Your children should also learn how to drive, even if the driver’s permit online course is different from the actual thing. Your children should also know how to exercise and take care of their bodies all the time.

Making good use of all the time you have saved and would have used in your commute is one of the overlooked gifts of the pandemic. Now that you are stuck inside the home with the most important people in your life, you should take that advantage of spending as much time together. The digitalization of everything else

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