How You Can Create a Study-Life Balance at the University

High school students

Entering university is one of the exciting (sometimes scary) adventures for everyone. This is when you have the freedom to explore a new environment, make new friends, and improve yourself in the field that you want. However, when exams draw closer, coursework piles up, and extracurricular activities enter the scene as well, having that study-life balance seems tough.

Your university life shouldn’t be like walking on a tightrope. It should be a time to focus on improving yourself and your skills without sacrificing your health and wellbeing. But how can you do that? Check out these tips that can help you find balance in your personal and university life.

1. Manage your time and energy.

using phone

We’ve all heard about how we can effectively manage our time. But if you feel like you can’t still get everything done, maybe energy management is the right method for you. The time we have every day is finite, but energy is a different thing. It is our capacity to work coming from the body, mind, spirit, and emotions. That said, there are numerous things you can do to make the best use of your energy.

Organize your tasks based on your energy level for the day. Be aware of your peak performance periods, in which you have the maximum energy to finish your tasks. When you’re more energized, you are more likely to get things done quickly and fewer mistakes. It will also help to determine your ‘why’ to boost your energy.

2. Identify your distractions.

Are you aware of the things that are distracting you? Regardless of how much you want to focus on studying, you can’t definitely do it efficiently if you got distractions all around you. Whether it’s your phone or your roommate’s loud music, these little things can make your one-hour study session into a half-day of work. Know your triggers.

If you can’t help checking Instagram now and then, leave it in your room and head to the library to study. Or, you can set time limits or restrictions for social media or other distracting apps on your phone. This way, you won’t be receiving notifications or messages that don’t require your immediate attention.

3. Seek professional help.

We get it. You want to thrive in your studies. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t focus on taking care of your wellbeing as well. Attending university can be a very stressful time for anyone – the academic pressure, the peer pressure. But if you’re struggling to balance everything, whether you developed anxiety or started bad habits, immediately seek professional help.

You can go to a psychiatrist to help you overcome any mental challenges or find the right clinic that can provide alcohol or heroin detox treatments, if necessary. Never be embarrassed about seeing such specialists. They are there to help you get better and feel better without judging you in any way.

4. Get a part-time job.

part time job

Yup, we know. It sounds counterproductive, right? However, if you think you need extra force to push you to organize your life properly, getting a part-time job might be effective. If your plans or schedules don’t seem to work, a part-time job will force you to manage your time. This can urge you to be more productive and organized since you don’t really have the choice. And the great thing is, you are earning extra money too! Having a part-time job is also a great way to meet people outside the university and give you time off from the campus environment.

5. Plan something to look forward to.

For university students, hitting the sack is generally the thing they look forward to after a long day of studying. But sometimes, this is not actually something that can motivate you to get your work done efficiently. Make a list of things that can motivate you to study and that will be fun for you to do. It can be a good evening walk in the park, a video call with your best friend, a show you’ve been planning to watch, or a good book to read.

That struggle you have in balancing personal life and studies can greatly impact your self-development and overall health. Take the responsibility to prioritize your entire well-being as well so that you can thrive more in your studies. Focus on self-care, spend time with people you love, and make the most out of your university life. If you find yourself struggling once again, just reread this guide and use the tips! Best of luck!

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