How To Update & Childproof Your Home Before The New Arrivals

nursery room
  • Childproofing your home requires creating a safe zone, considering the height of items, securing doors, and using safe materials.
  • Subtle home upgrades like stair nose moldings, tamper-proof outlets, and corner protectors enhance child safety.
  • Cleaning supplies and medicines should be stored in high, lockable spaces, with childproof locks enhancing security.
  • Childproofing is a gradual process that can seem overwhelming but is crucial for ensuring child safety at home.

Are you expecting a new bundle of joy in your family? Congratulations. It’s undeniably the most thrilling and exciting phase of your life. But have you given a thought about the potentially hazardous elements in your home? When a child takes those first few steps of exploration, that’s a moment of pure joy. But it’s your responsibility to make sure that they are safe while exploring. Don’t worry. This article will guide you through a few steps on how to make your home a safe haven for your little one.

Create a Safe Zone

Before your little one starts exploring your house, create a safe and secure play area. A gated playpen or a cushioned playmat is an efficient way to provide them with a ‘safe zone to play.’ Place padded mats or foam tiles inside it. It’ll not only protect your child’s knees while they crawl, but it’ll also make the ground less dangerous to walk on. Here are factors to consider:


When setting up your safe zone, consider the height of items within the child’s reach. As babies start to pull themselves up, they might reach for objects placed on higher surfaces.

Make sure to keep toys and other items at a height that is easy for your child to reach, but keep potentially harmful items like sharp objects, hot beverages, or choking hazards out of their grasp.


When it comes to childproofing your home, doors can sometimes be overlooked. However, they are an essential factor to consider. Not only do you need to prevent your little explorer from accessing potentially hazardous areas, but it’s also vital to protect tiny fingers from getting pinched in door hinges.

Consider installing door knob covers and pinch guards. The knob covers will deter your child from opening doors to rooms like the kitchen or bathroom, while the pinch guards will stop the door from slamming shut unexpectedly.


When creating your child’s safe zone, the materials you use are of paramount importance. Choose toys and furniture made of non-toxic materials. Remember, babies are prone to put anything they can into their mouths.

Therefore, it’s essential to ensure that all items within their reach are free of harmful chemicals. Consider using silicone or BPA-free plastic for play items. As for furniture, opt for those with rounded edges to prevent any potential injuries from sharp corners.

pregnant woman choosing baby stuff in a store

Invest in Subtle Upgrades

Investing in subtle upgrades can be a game-changer in childproofing your home. It doesn’t necessarily mean a complete home makeover. Instead, focus on minor changes that can ensure the safety of your child. Making these small changes can go a long way in creating a safer environment for your new family member. Here are the things that you can add:

Stair Nose Moldings

Adding stair nose molding is a crucial part of childproofing your home, especially if you have a multi-level house. These moldings not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of your staircase, but more importantly, they also serve to create a rounded, less sharp edge on each stair. This decreases the risk of serious injury should your little one stumble or fall.

Tamper-Proof Electrical Outlets

No home is complete without electrical outlets. And when it comes to safety, you can never be too careful. It’s essential to ensure that your little one isn’t exposed to any potential electric shock hazards.

Invest in tamper-proof electrical outlets and place them out of reach of children. These special outlets come with a sliding plastic cover that keeps the outlet openings securely shut when not in use.

Corner Protectors

Sharp edges and corners can be hazardous to your child’s well-being, so make sure to install corner protectors at all potential danger points. You can find these cushiony foam bumpers in various shapes and sizes. They are easy to install using adhesive tape or screws and can help protect your little one from any bumps or bruises.

toddler behind a baby gate with friend teddy bear

Lock Away Cleaning Supplies and Medicines

Keeping cleaning supplies and medicines out of the reach of children is an essential step in childproofing your home. These items often contain harmful chemicals and substances that can be dangerous if ingested by a child.

Ensure you store these items in high cabinets or lockable storage spaces. For added security, consider installing childproof locks on cabinets and drawers where these items are stored.

If possible, opt for natural cleaning solutions such as baking soda, white vinegar, and lemon juice. Not only are they safer to use around children, but these cost-effective items can also help you save money in the long run.

The arrival of a new baby is a joyous occasion in any family. But before your little one starts exploring your home, it’s your responsibility to make sure it’s safe and secure. The above tips may seem basic, but they go a long way in ensuring your child’s safety. Remember, childproofing is a gradual process, and while it may seem overwhelming, one step at a time is the right way to go.

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