Family solicitors in Portsmouth

family lawyer

There are a few reasons where a solicitor may need to be involved in helping to guide various family members in a direction that suits all involved. At these times, these internal arguments may seem to look like there is no simple way forward, making an end resolution seem impossible to find.

Andrew and Andrew, family solicitors, may be able to help you find the way forward for your family issues. By aiming to find a long-term solution via agreement, you can relieve any stress in any family situation that may need any legal intervention.

It is best to find a well established legal practice that has become a highly regarded for being family solicitors, many clients have developed a long-lasting professional relationship with their solicitors as they want what is best for the family as a whole.

In any given family case where children are involved, any good solicitor will also seek to priorities their needs.  In these cases, the goal will always be to find what best for the children and what is ultimately in their best interests.

Too often children needs can be brushed aside, meaning the arguments of the parents get resolved without any consideration for the children.  Your solicitor should seek to prevent this from happening at all cost, addressing the needs of the family will always lead to stronger resolutions and longer-lasting agreements.


If you are seeking a divorce, this solicitor’s practice can help.  Any solicitor you engage to act on your behalf should be ready to listen to the details of your case without judgement.  Instead, they will seek to offer you accurate advice that suits your individual needs, never judging you for the breakdown of your marriage and always hoping to help you get the results you need to build a better future.

If you are involved in a family situation that has an international or cross-border dispute element to it, again your solicitor should be to help.  They have a large amount of experience dealing with family law in different parts of the world, in each case, your solicitor should have sought to be fully aware of the laws and interpretations local to the country involved.

If you are cohabiting or in a civil partnership when you find that your relationship is coming to an end, your solicitor should be able to offer you advice suitable in these cases. They encourage you to approach them to ensure you are aware of your legal rights, hopefully before you leave the place you call home.

If you are looking to make a financial agreement with your former partner, you may want to involve a solicitor in the process.  The solicitor can help to negotiate an agreement that is fair and reasonable to all parties, along with ensuring any agreement can help towards meeting the costs of your life without them, an example of which would be an agreement between parents to meet the cost associated with children.

If you find yourself in need of family solicitors, you need your solicitor to be friendly and approachable. They should always give you the advice you need, and they should only be a phone call or email away.

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