Common Mistakes with Keto Diet You Might Be Making

person eating ice cream

The ketogenic diet has seen a lot of popularity in recent years from dieticians, health buffs, and nutritionists. It is because of how effective it’s been as a weight-loss method while blatantly going against the common misconception of the effects of fatty foods on one’s health. However, there might be some misunderstanding and misconceptions that run rampant among those who follow this diet.

Here are some common mistakes you may have heard or even done trying to achieve the perfect keto state.

Avoiding desserts and snacks

Achieving ketosis is usually done by limiting carb intake and incorporating fasting periods in one’s daily diet. Often, people think this means skipping out on things that can satisfy sweet cravings.

But, in reality, many alternative recipes can be used. You can get the taste you’re looking for while still hitting the right protein levels and avoiding the food group no-nos. Even for those who may not want to go the extra mile, many keto-centric brands offer snacks like cookies and chocolate bars that are low carb.

It’s about meeting the right caloric intake and focusing on getting healthy fats in your system so that your body still receives nutrients and burning what it should.

Using keto as a rushed short-burst diet

Because the diet has significant results in a relatively short amount of time when followed stringently, many people tend to use it as a quick solution to jump into. Because of that cold turkey approach, they also tend to fall off the wagon eventually, especially because it tends to be hard to maintain when there are a plethora of carbs always being offered.

The healthy way to diet that adjusts what your body is used to is to make it a lifestyle instead of doing sudden bursts and shifts. Harvard specialists have noted the health benefits that come with the diet. But they have also warned against taking on the usual route of eating mostly processed foods to hit ketosis easily without considering healthier options that provide the same levels of protein and healthy fats.

It’s better to ease into it and not completely cut out carbs right away. You are allowed around 50 grams as a limit to shift your body toward a ketogenic state slowly.

Stopping when the “Keto Flu” hits

man eating a salad

It’s understandable to feel concerned when you start feeling symptoms like nausea, headaches, and fatigue over a dietary change. But most people don’t realize that this stage is part of the body’s process to adapt to the sudden lack of carbohydrates. As the body starts burning ketones instead of its usual glucose, these symptoms crop up as a side effect in the beginning.

Because carbs are so inherent in the modern diet, the body needs time to adapt to its removal; hence, there is a feeling like you’re in some sort of withdrawal. This often only lasts around a week and can be alleviated by staying hydrated and drinking plenty of electrolytes throughout the period. If they are particularly persistent and a little more severe than you’d like, try putting some carbohydrates (within the limit) in your diet so that you can slowly ease off it. You can also cut back on caffeine to help you achieve more sleep.

By taking note of these, you can reap the benefits of keto without having to suffer through it because of mistakes and myths.

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