
remote learning

Remote Learning: How Parents Can Motivate Their Children

Most states are leaving it up to the school districts to decide if they will start in-person classes or not. While many states encourage schools to open for face-to-face classes, it will depend on the district’s public health conditions. With this, there’s a good chance that remote learning arrangements will continue for the kids until the end

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High school students

How You Can Create a Study-Life Balance at the University

Entering university is one of the exciting (sometimes scary) adventures for everyone. This is when you have the freedom to explore a new environment, make new friends, and improve yourself in the field that you want. However, when exams draw closer, coursework piles up, and extracurricular activities enter the scene as well, having that study-life

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parents with children

How to Prepare Your Children for a Fulfilling a Career

All parents want the best for their children. That might sound cliche, but that’s only because it’s true. If you are a parent, your children’s future is your utmost priority. You want to see your kids grow into the best person they could be. But it’s also worth mentioning that parenting is not an easy

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struggling teen

Three Important Decisions Parents Can Help Their Children With

Most parents want to do what they think is best for their children. They want to guide them in their decisions, be there for them when they fall, and provide them with the tools to succeed. They do this because they love them in a selfless, unconditional way. Yet, sometimes the level of parent involvement

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Traveling with Kids with Anxiety

It’s not easy raising kids with anxiety, but it’s more common than one may think. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 7.1 percent of children in America have been diagnosed with anxiety. That’s around 4.4 million children. If your child is one of them, know that you’re not alone. There

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codes on a computer screen

Real results through professional action

Dentists should not be expected to be able to understand how to bring in new clients by using dental SEO. Google has more than 200 factors that it takes into account when it uses algorithms to understand how a reader is likely to see any given website. It is expected of a specialist to understand

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online classes

What Makes Study Spaces Improve a Your Kid’s Grades

With or without online classes, every student needs a dedicated study space at home. Living room coffee tables and dining tables don’t count. If you won’t work in those spaces because of the distractions around, then a student also feels the same way. Sadly, many students aren’t as lucky to have a quiet study space

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School Safety: 7 Things That Parents Should Check and Know About

Parents will keep no stones unturned to ensure the safety and security of their kids. One of the biggest and most challenging moments as a parent is to watch your kids go to kindergarten. That first day will hit you like an ice-cold shower after a night of revelry. There is simply no comparison to

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mother and daughter

Remote Learning Pointers Parents Can Use to Help Kids

The pandemic has changed the way we do a lot of things. With the threat looming over us, most of us were forced to retreat to the safety of our homes. Remote work and distance learning have become the new norm. Although most of us still prefer in-person interactions, for the sake of safety, we

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