
old man looking at the phone

What It Takes to Run a Senior Home Care Franchise Successfully

As an entrepreneur with enough financing capability, there are many healthcare franchise businesses to choose from. However, out of the dozens of healthcare facilities out there, owning and running a senior home care franchise requires perhaps the most dedication, perseverance, and genuine desire to make other people’s lives better. Here are some of the most important qualities

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pain in the eye

Reasons Why You Have Gunk in Your Eyes

Rheum, eye discharge, “sleep” or gunk in the eyes is often a harmless annoyance in the morning or after an irritant has been in the eye. But sometimes, the discharge is a signal of something that you can’t just wipe or blink away. Interventions may include dry eye MGD treatment for tears issues or antihistamine

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bunch of people working out

Yes, Your Lifestyle Is Affecting Your Health

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 60% of the related factors to individual health and quality of life are connected to the way we live. Our lifestyles—our daily activities, behavior, functions, and diets—make up the factors that lead to health conditions such as obesity, tooth decay, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis, hemorrhoids, and some

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De-stressing After A Long Day: Why Is It Essential?

If you are someone who wakes up in the middle of the night worrying about an unsent email or an upcoming presentation, good news because you are not alone. A recent poll by the American Psychological Association revealed that the anxiety levels of Americans increase every single year, with millennials being the group with the

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Stressed person being consoled

Why You Should Bake To Relive Stress

“Stress-baking” is a thing, and you guessed it—it’s baking to relieve stress. Contrary to what you’ve seen from Bon Apetit’s Clair Saffitz, who actively expresses her frustrations in YouTube videos, psychologists attest that baking has several stress-relieving benefits. It’s like the slime trend from younger generations, except you end up with pastry afterward. Baking relieves

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Alcohol Rehab Centers: Seek Help for Your Alcohol Problem

In 2013, the Centre of Social Justice classified the UK as the “Addiction Capital of Europe” because of the high levels of addiction there. Substance abuse included alcohol and Class A drugs such as cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens and meth. Every year, the nation spends around £36 billion on alcohol rehab centers and treatments related to drugs and

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Dental Implants: Research and At-Home Care Tips

Dental implants are inserted into one’s gums to replace missing teeth. They help preserve a beautiful smile and restore self-confidence. In addition to aesthetic benefits, dental implants prevent bone loss in the gaps where the missing teeth used to be. For this reason, the dental implant procedure isn’t cheap, so people who get implants are

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Chiropractic Therapy session

Chiropractic Therapy: Treatment For Back Pain and Beyond

According to a recent study, about 100 Americans are suffering from chronic pain. While medications can ease some of these pains, chiropractic services in Salt Lake City can treat their root cause. Chiropractic care offers more benefits than just relieving back pains. Here are some of the less-known positive impacts of regular chiropractic treatment: Chiropractors

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runner in start position

Tackling a Runner’s Common Mistakes

Running is one of the easiest sports to engage in. It does not need much equipment. It also has many health benefits. But, like any other sport, there are common mistakes that a runner may commit. Having the Wrong Shoes This aspect is often taken for granted by amateurs and even some professionals. Amateurs tend to

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getting a massage

4 Services That Can Help You Stay Young

It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to maintain a youthful appearance. A healthy diet and a regular fitness regimen are some of the activities that can help you in your quest. However, you will find that there are many other things that contribute to making you look older. Work stress, household responsibilities,

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