Wedding Proposals as a Family Affair: Propose with the Family!

man about to propose to his girlfriend

Family and celebrations are synonymous with one another. Celebrating milestones is more memorable when the family is around. Consider this: why not have the family with you when you pop the question to your significant other?

It’s always fun to incorporate your loved ones into the marriage proposal. Your fiancée-to-be will appreciate the event more since all of your families are present to witness the event. Some people, however, aren’t too keen on the idea. Can you trust the family to keep the micro pave halo engagement ring a secret? What if someone tells your partner?

But if you know that your significant other would love to share the experience with the family, including them in your plans is a great idea. Plus, they’ll back you up with other wedding-related preparations such as the DIY wedding program and the likes.

Propose to the Family First

Before you start planning, you’ll need approval from your partner’s family first. This will depend on who the involved family members are. Some couples prefer to involve their parents only while others require the approval of their whole clan (siblings, grandparents, extended family, and more).

Always keep logistics in mind. The more people you involve, the more issues and conflicts can arise due to schedules, preferences, and differences in opinion. So before you plan the proposal, visit your future in-laws first. Get down on one knee, ask their permission, and once they say yes, start planning.

 You + The Family + Popping the Question

So, how can you include your loved ones in your proposal? Consider the following:

Incorporate the Family Into the Actual Proposal

Ask all invited family members to participate in the proposal moment. If you have a “Will You Marry Me?” sign, ask your partner’s parents to hold it. Their siblings and/or extended family can bring the balloons and flowers once you get down on one knee.

Make this a family affair! It will be a fun activity for everyone to join in. At the same time, you make your partner feel more important since you thought of their family, too.

wedding rings on a flower

Make Them a Reveal

If your significant other isn’t expecting their family to be around during your proposal, involve their loved ones through an extra ‘reveal’ after you’ve popped the question. Think of it as bringing a special guest on the stage during a concert; the family serves as a bonus.

Plan It Around the Family

If you are looking for a more convenient solution, pop the question during a family event. A Christmas party, a family reunion, or other gatherings — any celebration is also the best time to propose since your significant other’s family will certainly be there.

If you plan on proposing during someone’s birthday or wedding, ask their permission first. Since this is their event, you need to make sure you’re not upstaging them with your proposal.

Make It a Double Surprise

How do you wow your partner more than once? Propose to them in a private and intimate atmosphere. After the proposal, the photographer can ‘suggest’ to take photos and bring you to a place where all of your family members will be waiting for you.

Considerations for the Proposal

When planning the proposal with the family, consider the logistics again. Avoid making a crowd a much as possible. Make the celebration more intimate by inviting only the most important family members. A crowded proposal might compromise the intimacy of the moment.

Also, consider the place of the proposal. A small crowd can leave a big mess after the celebration. Plenty of people throw flowers and leave it in the park or other areas of the proposal. If you have confetti and flowers, make sure you clean after yourselves once the celebration is over.

Finally, consider hiring a photographer. The family can take photos of the event, but a photographer can capture every moment in high definition. Plus, you want the family to enjoy the moment with you, not busy themselves.

Thank the Family Afterward

Gratitude is always appreciated. Make sure to thank both of your families after the event. A thank-you note can go a long way in expressing your appreciation of your families. If you want to go the extra mile, treat them to dinner or lunch.

Doing so will not only appreciate their efforts. It can also make them feel special, as well as more confident in having you marry their loved one.

Proposals can also be a family affair, as long as you plan it well. Pop the question in the most memorable way possible with your loved ones in tow.

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