Remote Learning: Making Your Children’s Lives Comfortable

child reading a book

Another year rolls in with COVID-19 still in our midst but with a promising hope that this pandemic will disappear with the worldwide, though limited, availability of vaccines. This gives hope that school will reopen and people will be back to work early this year.

Furthermore, POTUS Biden pledged to reopen by the 30th of April the majority of schools across the country serving kindergarten to eighth grade. The target date coincides with his 100th day in office. But this move is met with oppositions coming from parents, employers, teachers, and even district leaders.

Although in cities like Chicago and New York, dates have already for school reopening, most of the West Coast have not. The majority of the opposition argues that teaching personnel should be vaccinated first and other safety measures are in place before pushing to restart in-person learning.

With public education still in chaos for now and there are plenty of gray areas that still need to be discussed, most parents still opt for remote learning for fear of compromising their children’s health and safety.

We are in the long haul with this COVID-19 pandemic, so we have to ensure our children’s health, comfort, and productivity as we continue with distance learning.

Tip 1: Set Some Time for Self-reflection

The majority of us were not prepared when schools, along with other establishments, were immediately ordered closed early last year in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

And although many of us eventually adapted to the new normal in the later part of 2020, there are still plenty of issues we need to get our heads wrapped up on challenges and expectations that we might face this year.

It is highly suggested you take some time to sit down with your kids and draw a list of strategies or plans that they think worked and did not. Doing so will help both of you plan a better approach to distance learning this year.

Tip 2: Encourage Social Learning Opportunities

COVID-19 pandemic taught us that, indeed, it takes a village to raise a child. Students are clearly deprived of important social interactions with limited to no physical interaction from their teachers, peers, and schoolmates.

This year, encourage your kids not to shy away from support from fellow students or friends. Motivate them to do their schoolwork with classmates over Zoom or Facetime. And if their school has some peer-to-peer tutoring program, allow your kids to take part.

child in an online class

Tip 3: Help Set Up a Designated Workspace

As living spaces in our homes transform into offices and classrooms due to COVID-19, your goal this year is to create the most conducive learning environment. It means a place that reduces stress, boosts focus, and fosters inspiration and thirst for knowledge.

If your family still has difficulty figuring out what space in your home you’ll dedicate for learning and work, now is the time to think and plan it over.

Help your children set up their study area where they can best concentrate while staying comfortable. It could be a spare room, a standard desk on an empty corner, or simply a dining table.

Tip 4: Make Time for Physical Activity

Children have spent a lot of time already stuck on their screen even before the pandemic. Plus, with all the social distancing measures and limitations, school-age children have a more sedentary lifestyle than ever.

Health experts suggest inculcating your Children’s routine, daily walks, biking, or doing yoga as a family. Also, set a screen time limit for your children. Not only will it make your kids focus more academically, but it also encourages more in-depth social interaction.

Tip 5: Keep Homes Safe & Healthy

Keeping the indoor air quality at its best is also crucial since your kids spend most of their time inside your home. Schedule regular cleaning and maintenance of your HVAC system, contact an expert in dryer vent cleaning, and consider putting some indoor plants.

Opening your windows during day time also helps in regulating the indoor air quality in your home. Not only does it allow natural air to circulate freely into your home, but it also helps flush out toxins, allergens, and dirt out.

Be Ready for the Long Haul

The development of vaccines and their distribution is a game-changer in this COVID-19 crisis. Our predictions remain uncertain, though. Factoring in our national leaders’ decisions and the effectiveness of the vaccines, there is no telling yet if indeed schools all over the country would reopen this year.

Until then, as remote learning seems to be the most viable option right now, let us help our kids undergo this arrangement.

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