5 Undeniable Benefits of Handmade Clothes for Your Baby

mother and newborn baby

If the pandemic was a box thrown to us from outer space, it sure is full of many surprises. Right now, there’s no question those surprises threw us off. One of the things that got affected is our birth rates. Initially, perhaps due to the massive fear and confusion sowed by the pandemic, a dip in the birthrate happened. In fact, at the start of the pandemic, there was a decline in births. But as time went by, researchers see a high birth surge all over the world. And the truth is it is beginning to play out right before our faces.

As much as hospitals have had to respond to COVID-19 patients, many pregnant women were on that list. Even until now, newborn moms are increasing daily.

For mothers that gave birth in times like this, they sure had a lot to worry about. The fact that their child could get exposed to the virus was frightening for many.

But that’s not the only thing. Caring for their baby also means finding the right clothes. And because of that, many mothers are spending quite a fortune when it comes to baby clothing. The baby/children clothing industry has ballooned to over $27 billion in America.

The good news is you don’t have to opt for those high-priced baby clothing to give your child the comfort he needs. Putting your faith in handmade clothing for your baby could cut it better. Here’s why.

Handmade is Unique

One thing you are afforded with handmade clothes for your baby is uniqueness. The truth is handmade clothes are always specially made in small quantities. Some of them are just one in town. This means your baby might be the only one to be wearing something of such. And this helps your baby stand out among many other babies.

Of Great Quality

If you are very particular about the quality of clothing for your baby, then handmade clothes are a good option. They come in the best quality ever and are made carefully. This isn’t something that can be guaranteed with the mass production of clothes.

With handmade clothes, the maker makes each cloth circumspectly. The seams are close, and the buttonholes are very strong. This means the clothes can last for a very long time. And this allows you to give it out if you so wish.



Mass production of clothes comes with more hazards than we think of. Many of these clothes are made in large factories, and these factories consume a lot of energy. That’s not all. They also produce a lot of toxic substances that are harmful to the environment. This inadvertently means more pollution in the environment. And this poses more risk to people on planet earth.

With handmade clothes, all this does not happen. The production process isn’t usually large-scale, and even when it is, it is environment-friendly. So by choosing handmade clothes for your baby, you also contribute to Mother Earth’s future by reducing pollution.

Well, you might ask: How can you get handmade wear? Well, a good way is to order online from trusted gift shops. Top-notch websites should be happy to send handmade baby clothes your way.

Additionally, you can as well ask around for one in your community. You’d be surprised to find someone making such beautiful clothes very close to you. And when you do, you’re also helping your community grow.

One-of-a-kind Style

Do you want your baby to stand out when you go out? Well, handmade clothing easily does it. With handmade clothes, your baby can have a style different from every other baby out there. You can call that the one-of-a-kind style. With handmade wear, you get to up the game of styling without even trying so hard. The patterns on the clothes are unique, thus making your baby stand out.

Do you know what’s even better? There are times when handmade clothing has a mother counterpart. This means you get to rock the same cloth with your baby. Assuredly, this is one style that will never fade, and trying it out with your baby would be a fun experience.

Community Growth

Another added benefit is improving community growth. Many artisans work from home and are small businesses trying to thrive. When you support the business by purchasing clothes, you get to build the business. And by building these small businesses, you also build the community.

Many of these artisans pour out their all into making those clothes. Thus, when you see some of their works, you can tell that so much effort and love has been poured into them. By supporting them and giving good reviews, you encourage them to keep reaching other people with their talent. It’s a small price to pay to someone who has given your precious baby the comfort and style he deserves.

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