
young girl studying

Parent’s Crucial Role in Supporting Early Childhood Learning

When it comes to choosing a school for their children, most parents agree that it’s best to take them to a well-known educational facility. They believe that choosing an ideal school will help unleash their kids’ maximum potential. No wonder many parents are working hard to ensure they can help their children get quality education.

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teenager studying

Worried About Your Child’s Education! Beware of These Factors

Learning is an ever-lasting process. However, childhood learning holds significant importance in shaping a person’s life. That’s because childhood is a stage when the brain is constantly developing. Hence, learning and remembering things often becomes easier. Also, the education received during childhood becomes the base foundation of further studies. Thus, as a parent, you need

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parent accompanying child to school

What Parents Should Consider When Sending Their Kids Back to School

Going to school is an important part of your child’s life. Of course, aside from the lessons you teach at home, this gives them the chance to learn different subjects along the way. At the same time, they also get to develop life skills that can benefit them in the future—one of these being the

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mother and children

Raising Responsible Children: Preparing for Adulthood and Independence

Parents use various styles and techniques when it comes to raising their children. Most of them rely on professional advice to ensure they can instill the right values in their kids. Others perform their own research or listen to other parents’ advice. Regardless of their strategies, most parents often perform activities they think will benefit

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children smiling for photo

Life-Saving Skills Every Child Should Learn

Accidents and emergencies don’t care about the age of those involved. This means that even children can be caught up in dangerous or life-threatening situations. What is worse is that there might not be any adults they can turn to for help. So they need to learn some essential skills that will save their life

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college student

How You Can Help Your Child Prepare for College

College is one of the most difficult stages of our lives. This is where we start to realize our dreams and slowly build a personal and professional path headed towards what we’re aiming for. You may already be at a place where you’ve fulfilled your dreams, but your child might still be struggling. That’s why

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college students concept

The Essential Items You Need Before Moving to a College Dorm

There’s nothing more exciting than being a college freshman and getting into your dream university. The excitement adds up when you’re finally moving out of your parent’s house and living on your own. While this can bring feelings of homesickness, living alone in college can be a rewarding experience as you move towards adulthood. By

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kid outside

Why Parents Should Give Their Kids Freedom to Learn

Parents would always want what’s best for their children. So, even if they’re still at a young age, it’s already ideal that you allow them to do various activities that they can enjoy, whether by giving them the chance to play with their friends or watch their favorite movies on TV. At the same time,

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Proper Parenting: Raising an Anti-Racist Child

Now and then, news of Asian hate crimes is spread all over social media and online news outlets. It’s a glorious reminder that racism in all shapes and sizes is still pretty much alive in urban America. And it’s not a good thing. It shows that many people feel superior over others. That’s the problem. Successful people

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