
kid and her pet

Teaching Kids to Make the Most Outside While Social Distancing

No doubt, children have been adversely affected by the virus. Though they have not suffered the biggest brunt compared to adults, many have died during the pandemic. As of December 2020, over 2 million children in America have been infected by COVID-19; nearly 200 have died. For the majority of children, dealing with mental health issues

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Mistakes Parents Make When Supporting Kids Learning at Home

Kids these days are not merely studying their lessons at home after a productive day at school. Some are actually being home schooled by their parents. Others, on the other hand, are learning remotely. You may have done your part in providing them a desk, a chair, and a place where they can study their

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highschool students

How High School Has Made You Ready for the Life Ahead

Although you couldn’t celebrate the way you wanted to, you have finished that part of your life. If you think you missed out on so many milestones as you went through this precious time in your life in a time so unique such as the pandemic, then you’re wrong. If anything, you are more than

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Having a criminal record

Unfortunately, a criminal record can define an individual and prevent them from leading a life of liberty, of one that they wish to enjoy. Depending on the country, many people find that they cannot travel where they wish to and unless the conviction is spent, meaning that it is historic for several years and therefore

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family cheering

Making Kids Understand the Value of Chores

Teaching your children how to do the chores is probably as old as time. It’s a long and ongoing tradition that, unfortunately, is beginning to halt as technology makes household chores more and more convenient. Machines that automate household tasks are now common in many houses, and kids do not know how to do things

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single mother

Flying Solo: Hurdles and Aids of Raising a Child Alone

A single-parent family is home to about 19 million children in the United States, with 15.76 million living with a single mom and 3.23 with a single dad. At 23%, it’s by far the highest rate in the category worldwide. Although conditions differ, such as whether a parent is divorced, widowed, or a single parent by choice,

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family cheering

Ideas to Help You Strengthen Your Family Bond

Our families provide us with unconditional love and support, which are a great help, especially in times when we undergo challenges. With emotional, financial, and other forms of support they provide us with, it is only right to show them sincere gratitude for their selfless acts. Below are some simple yet heartfelt ideas to show

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Protecting Your Kids While Allowing Them to Grow

Raising honest, morally sound, hardworking, and successful children is arguably the biggest challenge all human beings will face during their lifetime. It is also the most important one. After all, what we teach younger generations will either inspire them to make the world a better place for themselves and others or do exactly the opposite.

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