Making the Remote Learning Process Productive

While some schools are planning to open, remote learning will continue for most students in the United States. Parents are now facilitating the learning process even though they have little to no teaching experience. Couple this with the work-at-home arrangement of many, it can be a challenge to make the home-schooling productive for the children.

But parents can still encourage learning at home by following a few basic tips. If parents have been winging it since the start of remote learning, they can still make changes in their routine to follow the tips to improve the learning process at home.

Set Up a Learning Area

The first thing the parents should do is to create a learning area in the house. The area should have minimal distractions to allow the children to focus on their lessons. Parents can play soft music if the children learn better with some background sound. But there should be no television in the learning area.

A simple table and chair are suitable for homes with limited space. The focus here is that the children have a place where they can focus on their lessons without any distractions. It should also encourage the children to sit with a good posture while working on their lessons.

Additionally, if parents have two school-age children, they can consider sitting between them to prevent them from playing around. The parent can also work while the children are learning. This is also a good teaching moment since the children can also see what type of work their parents are doing.

Follow a Schedule

The shift from classroom learning to remote learning is challenging for most households since children typically view the home as a place to relax and have fun. In contrast, they view the school as a place where structured learning occurs, so they’ll have to be in serious mode while they are there.

This structure is essential for remote learning since it establishes a routine that the children can follow. Parents can create this structure by letting the students follow a schedule while they are in learning mode. While the atmosphere is different, creating a schedule similar to what the children follow in school allows them to focus on the task at hand, which is learning.

Parents should faithfully follow the schedule but should make room for any adjustments depending on the situation.

Take Breaks

If adults need breaks while working from home, the same thing applies to the children. Giving the children regular breaks from screen-time allows them to avoid getting too stressed with the current situation. The parents can schedule these breaks every 30 or 45 minutes. These breaks can last from 10 to 15 minutes at a time.

It would be great if the kids can go out in the backyard to stretch and run around. But if this isn’t possible, the parents can allow their children to spend their breaks close to the window to have their daily dose of sunshine. Parents should also allow the children to move around while on their break. This allows them to release any excess energy or anxiety they have. Once they return to class, they can focus on the lessons.

Use Digital Resources

online classes

One huge advantage the children have these days is the availability of digital resources they can use for school. Aside from the school’s resources, private organizations and companies also offer resources that complement the learning of the children.

Parents should take advantage of these resources since most of them are available for free. Some offer videos that explain concepts the children might find challenging to grasp, while others have activities that reinforce the learning process.

Sheltering at home and self-isolation can also affect the children’s mental health, especially if they miss hanging out with friends at school. In these situations, parents can use video-conferencing software to organize virtual parties with other children. The parent will have to coordinate with other parents to ensure the virtual party doesn’t affect their children’s learning schedule.

Talk with the Kids

Talking with the children allows the parents to know the challenges their children are dealing with. It is important for the children to talk about their feelings and for the parents to validate them. Then, the parents can reassure them to alleviate any anxieties they might have while highlighting the good things that will happen. Meeting the children’s emotional needs during the pandemic is important to prevent them from getting too stressed out about the situation.

Remote learning allowed them to continue their education while staying safe during the pandemic. While the situation can be challenging, parents can implement simple yet effective measures to help their children learn.

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